Little Rock Creek

Location and Directions:

     Little Rock Creek is located near the city of Palmdale in L.A. Co. It flows into Little Rock Res. From Hwy. 14, take 138 east through Palmdale to Chesboro Rd. Turn right (South) on Chesboro past Little Rock Res.

Other lakes and creeks in the area:
Elizabeth Lake
Big Rock Creek
Apollo Park
Little Rock Res.
Jackson Lake
Bouquet Canyon Creek

Fishing Info:

    Like many of the mountain streams in SoCal, this was once a very popular fishing spot, receiving weekly plantings of rainbow trout from the DFW. In 2005, the DFW halted all rainbow trout plants here in an effort to protect the endangered mountain yellow-legged frog which supposedly lives here. There are still some wild trout in the creek as well as the reservior. Be sure to visit the CDFW web site for complete regulations before heading out.

Comments and Tips:

     Hi............ Little Rock Creek is closed because of the arrow toad. The road is blocked by an iron gate and chain link fence. It closed about 13 years ago. Before that, during the winter and spring, the dfg use to plant rainbows upstream of Little Rock Res. and in the Res. It was by far the best stream trout fishing in Southern Cal. I caught planter fish, and wild rainbows up to 13 inches. My friend caught a small brown trout where the road leaves the main creek aIbout 7 miles upstream from the Little Rock Res. I loved fishing there, and they closed it and broke my heart. It is a beautiful small stream, but not too small, and the fish liked dry flies. Although the first 8 miles of stream along the road would dry up in the summer, if you left your car and hiked upstream, you would run into flowing water. One spring day, I ran into a small yellow stonefly that was hatching. That stonefly was hatching all along the part that dries up in the summer, go figure? That day I must have caught 30 trout up to 12 inches. One of the best days I have fishing anywhere. On another trip on the stream, I caught a 13 inch rainbow, that was the prettiest rainbow I have ever caught anywhere. That was the biggest fish I ever caught in the creek. I am tempted to sneak in and fish it again, after 13 years of not going there. The water runs clear almost all the time, except maybe the first 24 hours after a big rain. The Creek is big enough that a fly rod works well. I am getting older 65, and pray that I can fish there again........... although I can’t go there legally, I still love that creek. Thank you for listening to my vent................ hnscaddis


With reference to LRC - seems like the entire or most of the watershed is now off limits due to both forest closures, Mountain Yellow Frog AND Arroyo Toad protection. Access as you suggest via Little Rock Dam is now heavily posted and basically illegal. Note:

Just a thought.

Love your site!


      If you know something about this area or have some photos that you'd like to share, please E-mail and I'll post it here!

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