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Thread: What happened here? Is this forum dead?

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DockRat View Post
    What is wrong with acting stupid or playing rough. Why have a mormon style "so nice" site.

    Who cares if someone is offended. On BD if you talk sh!it about someone you might get dog piled by 10 other guys
    "self moderating is better" than some goody tooshoe power trip guy.

    That is why the PREVIOUS #1 site Allcoast died. MODERATED TO DEATH.
    Somebody says something a little harsh and some sensitive moderator puts you on time out or bans you.

    IT sucks. Losing Mike Bako boys. 2 top fisherman Cory and Corey.
    Not tunaslam but the other Cory is a badass fisherman and goes twice a week. Sure the guy is into himself with so many "look at me" videos but who cares.

    You need to get on FB. I use a fake name and many do. That way you don't have all these school friends and others coming out to re-connect.
    Too many people like you think FB is all about personal BS. I use it 90% of the time for all the groups I belong to. So Cal sport fishing for example.
    A top duct fisherman just started a group called Duct Wars. You can get much more intel than a fishing site. You can sign up as Etucker1959.

    FB is not all about people posting for attention. Not to mention all the venders and stores have FB pages.

    Webmaster Jeff should let it go. Let people fight, talkshit, whatever. More entertaining = more posts = more advertisers = more money $$$
    These "nice family sites" make less money. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY $$$
    Fake Name on Facebook I see you on there all the time with your real name!!!! lol

    The problem with the for mentioned people they were all cannibals!!! (they ate their own) Till there was none Left!!! I would like to think, that I'm very friendly to many people on here. Yes I might disagree with someone sometimes. However, I don't want to burn any bridges with "ANYONE." I get around and meet FNN people all the time. I love to shake their hands and ask them how's life treating them???

    I disagree about the power that be around here. They do let a lot go, but handle things when they need too!!! No one should fear bodily harm from anything said, "on a fishing website!!!"
    Last edited by etucker1959; 11-22-2017 at 07:04 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rat Beach


    Quote Originally Posted by tpfishnfool View Post
    Forum has become to political.
    General Discussion is NON FISHING...

    Jeff should have a Politics board below the General Discussion board.
    It should also be anything goes !

    FNN is defiantly spinning downward with lack of posts and replies.

    Time for a change...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rat Beach


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    Fake Name on Facebook I see you on there all the time with your real name!!!! lol
    Did you get on FB ? My last name is spelled wrong.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    IN THE I.E.


    Quote Originally Posted by DockRat View Post
    General Discussion is NON FISHING...
    You are correct, however this is a fishing board. Not a "political board" One or two post about a president is fine, but when it becomes the only source of attention and nothing else, it becomes draining and tired. As you stated, yes "time for a change." The change shouldn't be politics........

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by DockRat View Post
    Did you get on FB ? My last name is spelled wrong.
    I read it all the time!!! I read the Salt one, the Duct one and the Trout one. The Trout one is hilarious!!! The Administrator doesn't think much about stocked Trout. Yet 90% of the post's come from locally stocked lakes. You talk about a confused Fishermen!!!

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by WARRIORMIKE View Post
    You are correct, however this is a fishing board. Not a "political board" One or two post about a president is fine, but when it becomes the only source of attention and nothing else, it becomes draining and tired. As you stated, yes "time for a change." The change shouldn't be politics........
    You do know the GD political stuff is dying on the vine!!! Why because it takes 2 to tango and all the Conservatives left after President Trump got elected. (the Lefty's took a few victory laps but their mostly over it now) The Conservatives great utopia they imagined would exist, if the Republicans ever gained control of both Houses of Congress and the Presidency hasn't worked out so far. Well what did happen and all they have to show so far is, in 8 years or less your personal Federal Income Tax's will be going "UP" instead of down!!! lol

    PS. The price of your home will going down too!!!
    Last edited by etucker1959; 11-22-2017 at 09:19 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Los Angeles (Westside)


    That's fair, however I post on this forum when I fish SoCal and I've been away for a while. I still get the gist of your point, we should all participate more.

    In summary, after reading all the replies it seems the overall consensus is that this forum is suffering from a combination of;

    1. Over moderation with a heavy ban hammer.
    2. The "power users" have either migrated somewhere else or don't post as much anymore.
    3. The forum has become too political.
    4. Some SoCal fishing areas have been closed
    5. Lastly, but maybe most importantly, people lurk without posting and that needs to change.

    I hope we can turn it around!
    Last edited by ILL PHIL; 11-22-2017 at 04:34 PM.

  8. #18


    I think you are correct about Arthur, Eric, but when you said that he had moved on, I thought you meant that he was no longer a member of this site. He is still a member, but like many others who used to post a lot, he doesn't post so much anymore.

    As for politics on this site, I don't think that the problem is that it's too political. I think the problem is not enough fishing posts. I could make it a lot more political if I wanted to, but I am busy with my own group on Facebook. LOL Lord knows there is a lot to talk about in today's political climate. I also don't think civility is the problem. The "anything goes" mentality probably drives people away in the long run. My group aims for civility and largely achieves it, and we have tons of posts and comments, and more than 1000 "active members" out of 3000+ total. The activity level if anything has been going up. LOL And using a false identity on Facebook is against their rules, Dockrat. I think you should know that.

    The person that I reported deserved to be banned. Several of us (if not most of us) here know what he did, and it appeared to be getting into a danger zone. I don't think too many people are being banned from this site, at least not lately.
    Last edited by Natural Lefty; 11-22-2017 at 04:34 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Yo' couch!


    Reinstate HaS.

    Problem solved.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I said in a rant, I'm done. So I have spoken out of turn. I've been on this site since 2006, I've been banned before. Maybe I'll be banned again. Dana is dead. I miss him, the site was different with him here.
    The political rhetoric on this site is the problem. Others have said so, and so have I.
    FNN stands for fishing news network, it should be exactly that.
    A separate section should be established for those of you who come on a fishing website to bicker about your political views.
    As you continue to verbalize your opinion, the moderator should move it to the political section.
    It's simple.
    Moderators shift political opinions to a separate area.
    I realize my name would incline those of simple minds to come to a preconceived opinion. A fishing website is what this site was when I originally joined. It's changed, I'm not the only member to say so. The general discussion was for a general discussion about fishing. Not about political opinions. Post your political opinion on Fox or CNN.Com.
    I'm sure your argument won't make you look like you don't know what you're talking about. If you actually have a point.
    Last edited by Ssortasober; 11-23-2017 at 09:41 PM.

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