I decided to get away from this crazy heat and make my first trip up to Big Bear.

We arrived around 6:45 or so. Inspection was just like any other except for the part when the guy was shaking my outboard back and fourth trying to force
a drop out, smh!

Once we launched, just going out to our first stop we must have seen over 15 boats already within eye sight and most of them trolling for trout.
As we got to our first spot we saw a bunch of trout jumping and marked a bunch, but we were there for lmb/smb. I started off by trowing spooks and frogs
for the first hr and no takers. Then I switched over to arigs and cranks and got a few to go in 12-15 ft. Nothing big, just a few fun fish.
Around 10 we made the switch to plastics and fished like that the rest of the day. We mainly stayed in 15-25ft of water.

The Game plan was to catch 20 cpr and go. Fish #20 took over an hr after fish 19 was landed and that last small 13" bass made my day which was the hardest
catch of the day! My real game plan was to not let all the boat traffic mess with my head (which it did not). I knew it would be crowded just didn't expect it to
be too crowded We were dodging boats all day zigzagging around, but we were focused to catching and having a good time which we did. A few times
people cheered and clapped when we landed fish in to the boat so that was actually cool and a first.

Beautiful lake and nice weather, won't be my last trip there...

We ended the day with 2 double hook ups and 1 back to back catch.
Total fish count: 17 LMB, 3 Small mouth, 1 Trout. Our 5 fish sack went 17lbs with change.

Conditions: Sunny, 82-85 air temp, low winds, traffic jam of boats
Water temp: 65-67
Water clarity: Stained 1ft, Shore line to 10-15 ft out completely covered in grass, moss and all kinds of slim. Made it tough to fish docks!

This smallie had a weird zigzag body shape

Working the 1st double hook up

My biggest smallie out of 3

Pirates @ Big Bear

Perfect ending to this trip