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View Full Version : 08 / 26 Another Bassin' Trip with Tailman on the Rubber Ducky

08-27-2010, 05:12 PM

murrieta angler
08-27-2010, 06:44 PM
All we can do is try Ron.
Liked the report, but just to many, "Uh-Oh's"...lol
I have those every time I take out the boat, it never fails.
Thanks for the report and pics.


p.s. I wish you guys lived down in S.D. I could really use the info.

08-28-2010, 01:32 PM
Hi murrieta angler,

Yep .... they're part of the game. At least all the Uh Ohs were concerning a different concern. When the same thing happens multiple times after thinking it's taken care of is absolutely the worst !! The boat, the boat ... yes ..... those are Uh Oh generators without daily looking after !! A drip here, shudder there, clicking somewhere else ....
