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View Full Version : Offshore &-7-10/12 on the Jetti Jumper

07-13-2009, 04:58 AM
7-9 10 am BillhFish calls and says my buddy has room for 1 on a 25 footer... give me 10 minutes to get clearance from the old lady. Permission granted finished work came up with lame excuse for friday and off to the tackle store for fresh line.

7-10 6:15 am I meet Jim owner of the Jetti Jumper and Leadmaster a tackle manufacturer and distributer and his 25 foot Davis Bahia with volvo diesel engine


Prepped the boat in Hesperia and got under way for Shelter Island. Jim ran a tight ship and had everything meticulously labeled and organized way past my comprehension, but he knew what was what and everthing was on board and ready for 2 days out to sea. Met Stevan , Jim's buddy at the launch and got under way.

We made excellent time and were 60 some miles south when we ran into the seiners 3 hours later. We put out trollers and within an hour or two found our first Paddy. We put our baits in and I was picked up within seconds and set the hook on a beast of a tail, and Bill hollers hook up and we're on a double then Steve's on woohooo triple. Bill's tail gets gaffed Steve pops and then mine surfaces and Jim gaffes my PB yellowtail. Ran back to the salad and repeated. Jim pulls in a little guy and his buddy says let it go it's too small and Jim says no gaff and bounces it, I removed the hook and went to hand it to him he shook his head or something and I thought he wanted it released so I threw it back... should have handed it to him I guess he wanted the lil guy... anyways we put 8 on deck and released another 5 rats under 10#. Trolled around for nothing until dark when we got a triple on the the hoochie daisy chains we were towing. 3 nice albi and nothing else.

Jim hooked chicken and potato salad up for dinner, which I threw up from being sea sick but was still enough to get me through til morning. Haven't had one trip down there when I wasn't puking everywhere and this one was no different. Jim gave me some pills from mex that kept me fishing and up on the hard top for day2

7-11 trolled and listened to radio chatter til about 12 when we spotted some Lechugas floating and put some nicer grade yellows in the box. Hit it a few times then back to the hard top for me. Found some more kelp and it was holding a big dodo but it wouldn't play. Back up top it was starting to get windy and the swell was building but I spotted another floating hotel and we pulled one on the daisy chian another rack of yellows on bait and put limits in the holds and headed off on the troll for home at about 3 or 4 ish. Pulled the trollers at dark had ribs and tater salad that I quickly threw up and crashed for the night. We hit the point and slept til daybreak then baited up and with chovies and headed for Pt. loma kelp and a slow morning of fishing and fish cleaning. Bill already had the tails and albi's cleaned while I was purging my body of all fluids and bile so here's some pics of day 2's carnage.

07-13-2009, 06:23 AM
Nice report. Good picts on the yellows, beautiful boat and sounds like a good time was had by all - except when you were sick - hate that. Thanks for sharing your adventure.


07-13-2009, 08:08 AM
Hi chris,

Most excellent report and play-by-play. I am pleased to know my estimated ton of LOST Leadmaster product has contributed to the owners' being able to maintain such a nice fishing machine !! :)


07-13-2009, 08:59 AM
Hi chris,

Most excellent report and play-by-play. I am pleased to know my estimated ton of LOST Leadmaster product has contributed to the owners' being able to maintain such a nice fishing machine !! :)


He actually won the boat at the Fred Hall Show. It was cool fishing with him. His trolling hoochies worked great as well

07-13-2009, 02:46 PM
That's a lot of yellowtail. That musta been fun.

07-13-2009, 09:28 PM
good job on the tails, too bad about being sick. Was it something that you ate? Those seas in those pictures look dead flat clam?