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Thread: Looks like 4 more years !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Looks like 4 more years !

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  2. #2


    More fake news from Commiechew

    For one thing, Stormy Daniels is actually a Republican.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017



    Do you really think I'm putting this up as news? It might be news, but I put it up just to make fun of you people. Get one thing straight... she's a porn star who happens to call herself republican. You refusal to recognize/admit she's a porno actress and, would rather designate her solely a republican instead? By all means do so... Live your life, it's a silly one.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by commiechew View Post

    Do you really think I'm putting this up as news? It might be news, but I put it up just to make fun of you people. Get one thing straight... she's a porn star who happens to call herself republican. You refusal to recognize/admit she's a porno actress and, would rather designate her solely a republican instead? By all means do so... Live your life, it's a silly one.
    Just to make fun of us people??? People who live in glass houses should not throw stones!!!

  5. #5


    A typical, nonsensical reply from Commiechew.

    First, both the Parkland protesters and Stormy Daniels are current news items.

    Second, I didn't say that Stormy Daniels is not a porn actress. Why wouldn't I say that she is a porn actress? She is a Republican porn actress, and it figures. They are the ones who are obsessed with $$$.

    Regarding the meme itself. Hillary Clinton is not the leader of the Democratic Party. She is basically out of politics and I believe she will not run for public office again. Moreover, a lot of liberals don't think particularly well of her. There seems to be a consensus among conservatives that we do, but we don't. The Clintons have had a huge influence on conventional Democratic politics since Bill was elected, and that is what got Hillary nominated over Bernie Sanders, unfortunately. She had the Democratic politicians all lined up for her.

    Regarding the Parkland students, they may have varying political views. I think that district has a Republican representative, so many of their parents are Republicans. But if they leaned Republican before, I don't think they will now, knowing that the NRA has Republicans in their pockets, or rather, that Republican politicians have NRA money in their pockets. These are just young citizens trying to do something admirable by helping to get reasonable legislation passed and help save lives. Yet, many Republicans cannot seem to keep themselves from being critical of them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them run for office when they are old enough, but leaders of the Democratic Party? Don't be ridiculous.
    Last edited by Natural Lefty; 03-28-2018 at 04:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Natural Lefty View Post
    A typical, nonsensical reply from Commiechew.

    First, both the Parkland protesters and Stormy Daniels are current news items.

    Second, I didn't say that Stormy Daniels is not a porn actress. Why wouldn't I say that she is a porn actress? She is a Republican porn actress, and it figures. They are the ones who are obsessed with $$$.

    Regarding the meme itself. Hillary Clinton is not the leader of the Democratic Party. She is basically out of politics and I believe she will not run for public office again. Moreover, a lot of liberals don't think particularly well of her. There seems to be a consensus among conservatives that we do, but we don't. The Clintons have had a huge influence on conventional Democratic politics since Bill was elected, and that is what got Hillary nominated over Bernie Sanders, unfortunately. She had the Democratic politicians all lined up for her.

    Regarding the Parkland students, they may have varying political views. I think that district has a Republican representative, so many of their parents are Republicans. But if they leaned Republican before, I don't think they will now, knowing that the NRA has Republicans in their pockets, or rather, that Republican politicians have NRA money in their pockets. These are just young citizens trying to do something admirable by helping to get reasonable legislation passed and help save lives. Yet, many Republicans cannot seem to keep themselves from being critical of them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them run for office when they are old enough, but leaders of the Democratic Party? Don't be ridiculous.
    All your other excrement is just that... but you fools were going to ride the Hillary boat for a full 8 years! The only reason you didn't is because sound minds took control and are still in control. Don't try to tell me now that you 5 donks wouldn't have defended her and touted what a great President she shouldaa wouldaa couldaa been...

    had the brains of this country not set you idiots straight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Clinton calls 2016 election 'traumatic,' admits she'd like to 'take back' some things she said
    By Paulina Dedaj

    Almost a year and a half since losing her bid for president, former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton still is talking about election woes, calling it a “traumatic” experience.

    Speaking at Rutgers University Thursday, Clinton spoke primarily about being a woman in politics — and being targeted as a result, the problem Republicans face as a disjointed unit, the upcoming elections and her hopes that the recent events under the Trump administration would motivate people enough to vote for change.

    When asked about being told to get off the public stage and “shut up,” Clinton said she was “struck” by the fact that “they never said that to any man,” citing unsourced research from “one of the young people” on her staff.

    Clinton also mentioned being called “shrill” by the media, which she said never commented on her opponent’s habit of “finger waving.”

    “It’s about time that women were allowed to be themselves the way men are allowed to be themselves,” she said.

    The former secretary of state also said she’s regretted some things she said.

    “I can do better. There are things I’ve said I’d like to take back.”

    She might have been referring to remarks she made earlier this month in India where she said women face “ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband” thinks they should. Critics slammed the comments as sexist.

    She made similar remarks in September, seemingly blaming women in part for her loss.

    Clinton agreed to do Thursday's speech for $25,000 from a university endowment, reported.

    Clinton also took the opportunity to bash the Republican Party saying it slowly was coming undone by “a very small group of powerful forces,” who could fund another candidate if one does not appeal to the “far right.” She said she was referring to groups including the National Rifle Association.

    Clinton talked about the upcoming elections and the number of Republicans who have announced their retirement or that have said that they will not seek reelection.

    “They’re leaving,” she said, “because they know they will be shown no understanding by the hard right and the money that funds it.”

    Clinton also took jabs at the Trump administration ahead of the important 2018 midterm elections, although she mentioned Donald Trump by name only once, but alluded to him several other times.

    “I really hope this is a turning point,” she said, speaking of the upcoming midterm elections.

    “I’m hoping in this election, this midterm election, enough people will, maybe for the first time or maybe for the first time in a long time say, ‘Look, I was really moved by what happened at Parkland, or I’m sick we’re the only country in the world not in the Paris agreement on climate change, or I don’t like what they tried to do to healthcare’ or whatever the motivator is” to ensure enough people will go out to vote.

    Clinton spoke to a crowd of just over 5,000 people.
    High pitched whining; just as I said. Didn't anyone else hear it? No one wants to hear that "shrieking noise" (coming from a man or woman... you Democrats get that?). Speaking of pitches, she looks like she's setting up the box for another swing, or at least she's hoping to get called up from the farm... lol.

  8. #8


    I have not seen one single comment on any of these messed up threads where anyone supports Hillary Clinton any longer. The only ones supporting her and dragging her along are idiots like you on the right. The GOP did a great job of demonizing her and ruining her career and it will never recover. To say anyone on here supports her for president any longer just proves what an imbecile you are.
    Pay attention moron, your precious GOP is sinking and stinking to high heaven. The hypocrisy is being called out and people are sick of it on both sides of the isle. Do I believe that the DNC is better?
    Well at this point in time I would have to say it is significantly better and not a threat to our country and the world like the current administration. That being said, they are still corrupt politicians as well, just not as immediately dangerous and hell bent on 'privatizing' our great country for profit as the GOP.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by commiechew View Post

    Do you really think I'm putting this up as news? It might be news, but I put it up just to make fun of you people. Get one thing straight... she's a porn star who happens to call herself republican. You refusal to recognize/admit she's a porno actress and, would rather designate her solely a republican instead? By all means do so... Live your life, it's a silly one.
    He's just pointing out the stupidity of your comment. To say that she's part of democratic 'leadership' when she's a republican would be typical of a 'fake news' sky is falling moronic Trump supporter trying to make a meme out of anything regardless of it not making any sense. And for an idiot like you to call someones life silly? I'm pretty sure you don't know him at all and just result to name calling from the keyboard in mom's basement out of fear. LMAO

  10. #10


    Brent is correct. Hillary Clinton is still the favorite whipping girl of the right, when in fact those on the left have moved on, and many of us were never very fond of her. I thought she only got as far as she did because of Bill, and there are many better Democrats to lead us. Yes, we probably would have thought she was a decent president, but also at least speaking for myself, that we could have done a lot better. Your "high pitched" and "shrieking noise" comments speak for themselves. Would you have ever have said the same of a man, Commiechew?

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