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Thread: Bretbart Exposed!!!

  1. #1

    Default Bretbart Exposed!!!

    I will admit in talking to the "old" Conservatives on here, "I actually learned some things." For example what does a true fiscal Conservative think and care about the poor. From a governmental standpoint they really don't give a shite what happens to them. (that's what private charity's are for, "is what they think") That was proven this morning when I read what speaker Ryan's Obama Care replacement bill looked like. Just throw the poor under the bus was the jist of his bill.

    When it came time to prove one of the many Conservative points on here. Breitbart links were by far the most common link provide. I never even heard of Breitbart before the Conservatives on here kept providing their links to the articles written by them. What is Breitbart???? It's a Conservative news source, who for the true right wing Conservative this is their Holly Gospel for Conservative news.

    By now we all have heard the name Steve Bannon, who is one of President Trump key advisers. (he came from Breitbart) Some are calling him the power behind the throne of Trumps Presidency. (that is a scary thought) He has some Apocalyptic view of the world. He believes in some book that say's, our country every 80 years has some terrible event happen and then is reborn. He cites the American Revolution, Civil War and WW2 and now we are due for another one and much worse then the last one. This guy is whispering in the ear of dumb Donny (Trump) who has the nuclear codes in his pocket the whole time. (that's a real scary thought!!!!)

    After Bannon left Breitbart they hired as an editor Milo Yiannopouios. This is the guy that caused the riot at Berkeley University last month. He didn't even get a chance to speak, they started rioting because he was just scheduled to speak. As I said, I never even heard of these people or their publication before the Conservatives on here were quoting Breitbart as their Holly Gospel. I like to think I have an open mind and listen and read both Liberal and Conservative news sources. (that way I can decided for myself what the truth probably is) One of the programs I watch is the Bill Maher show on HBO. Low and behold he booked Milo Yiannoppuios as a special guest last night. I didn't want to miss it because I wanted to see for myself what all the hub bub was all about with this guy.

    When Milo was introduced to come out, the first thing I noticed how young he looked. (he looked barely 30) He then started talking with a British accent while wearing stringers of pearls around his neck. He was pretty hard to get a word in with this guy because he would always interrupt you. (he came off pretty obnoxious) He also came off as pretty feminine. He then described himself as just an obnoxious British ***!!!! I then just realized this is the face of Breitbart!!!!! The Holly Gospel for Conservative news!!!!! I've got a pretty good memory of the "old" Conservatives on here putting up pictures of Kathlin Jenner or Hillary in a Bathing suit to insult the Liberal cause.

    Now when it would have been the progressives turn to criticize everything dumb President Trump does. Or when they would have put up one of their famous Breitbart links to support their arguments. We could of shown the face or a recording of their Holly Gospell editor, as nothing more then a young obnoxious flaming Homosexual!!!!! (I have no problem with Gays, but the right wing Christians sure do and this is their Holly right wing news source)

    Dark Shadow was right, the "old" Conservatives on here aren't Lurking their Hiding!!!!!!!
    Last edited by etucker1959; 02-23-2017 at 08:19 AM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    I will admit in talking to the "old" Conservatives on here, "I actually learned some things." For example what does a true fiscal Conservative think and care about the poor. From a governmental standpoint they really don't give a shite what happens to them. (that's what private charity's are for, "is what they think") That was proven this morning when I read what speaker Ryan's Obama Care replacement bill looked like. Just throw the poor under the bus was the jist of his bill.

    When it came time to prove one of the many Conservative points on here. Bretbart links were by far the most common link provide. I never even heard of Bretbart before the Conservatives on here kept providing their links to the articles written by them. What is Bretbart???? It's a Conservative news source, who for the true right wing Conservative this is their Holly Gospel for Conservative news.

    By now we all have heard the name Steve Bannon, who is one of President Trump key advisers. (he came from Bretbart) Some are calling him the power behind the throne of Trumps Presidency. (that is a scary thought) He has some Apocalyptic view of the world. He believes in some book that say's, our country every 80 years has some terrible event happen and then is reborn. He cites the American Revolution, Civil War and WW2 and now we are due for another one. This guy is whispering in the ear of dumb Donny (Trump) who has the nuclear codes in his pocket the whole time. (that's a scary thought)

    After Bannon left Bretbart they hired as an editor Milo Yiannopouios. This is the guy that caused the riot at Berkeley University last month. He didn't even get a chance to speak, they started rioting because he was just scheduled to speak. As I said, I never even heard of these people or their publication before the Conservatives on here were quoting Bretbart as their Holly Gospel. I like to think I have an open mind and listen and read both Liberal and Conservative news sources. (that way I can decided for myself what the truth probably is) One of the programs I watch is the Bill Maher show on HBO. Low and behold he booked Milo Yiannoppuios as a special guest last night. I didn't want to miss it because I wanted to see for myself what all the hub bub was all about with this guy.

    When Milo was introduced to come out, the first thing I noticed how young he looked. (he looked barely 30) He then started talking with a British accent while wearing stringers of pearls around his neck. He was pretty hard to get a word in with this guy because he would always interrupt you. (he came off pretty obnoxious) He also came off as pretty feminine. He then described himself as just an obnoxious British ***!!!! I then just realized this is the face of Bretbart!!!!! The Holly Gospel for Conservative news!!!!! I've got a pretty good memory of the "old" Conservatives on here putting up pictures of Kathlin Jenner or Hillary in a Bathing suit to insult the Liberal cause.

    Now when it would have been the progressives turn to criticize everything dumb President Trump is doing. Or when they would have put up one of their famous Bretbart links. We could of shown the face or a recording of their Holly Gospell editor as nothing more then a young obnoxious flaming Homosexual!!!!! (I have no problem with Gays, but the right wing Christians sure do and this is their Holly right wing news source)

    Dark Shadow was right, the "old" Conservatives on here aren't Lurking their Hiding!!!!!!!

    I read my first breitbart article 2 days ago.

    Heard of them but didn't care too much about the hubbub.

    [I have no opinion on the article because it had no real value... to me.]

    I try to keep an open mind though. ..

    I weigh every thing thrown and decide based upon my previous experiences whether I believe, not believe, or need to find out more info.

    A lot of the sheet thrown, I toss out.

    I only use what jumps out as hmmm... in that there's reinforcment, that's questionable, or that's crap.

    Everyone has an opinion, some are just as'Sholes about it, I like pointing that out in people.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Pismo Beach


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    I will admit in talking to the "old" Conservatives on here, "I actually learned some things." For example what does a true fiscal Conservative think and care about the poor. From a governmental standpoint they really don't give a shite what happens to them. (that's what private charity's are for, "is what they think") That was proven this morning when I read what speaker Ryan's Obama Care replacement bill looked like. Just throw the poor under the bus was the jist of his bill.

    When it came time to prove one of the many Conservative points on here. Bretbart links were by far the most common link provide. I never even heard of Bretbart before the Conservatives on here kept providing their links to the articles written by them. What is Bretbart???? It's a Conservative news source, who for the true right wing Conservative this is their Holly Gospel for Conservative news.

    By now we all have heard the name Steve Bannon, who is one of President Trump key advisers. (he came from Bretbart) Some are calling him the power behind the throne of Trumps Presidency. (that is a scary thought) He has some Apocalyptic view of the world. He believes in some book that say's, our country every 80 years has some terrible event happen and then is reborn. He cites the American Revolution, Civil War and WW2 and now we are due for another one. This guy is whispering in the ear of dumb Donny (Trump) who has the nuclear codes in his pocket the whole time. (that's a scary thought)

    After Bannon left Bretbart they hired as an editor Milo Yiannopouios. This is the guy that caused the riot at Berkeley University last month. He didn't even get a chance to speak, they started rioting because he was just scheduled to speak. As I said, I never even heard of these people or their publication before the Conservatives on here were quoting Bretbart as their Holly Gospel. I like to think I have an open mind and listen and read both Liberal and Conservative news sources. (that way I can decided for myself what the truth probably is) One of the programs I watch is the Bill Maher show on HBO. Low and behold he booked Milo Yiannoppuios as a special guest last night. I didn't want to miss it because I wanted to see for myself what all the hub bub was all about with this guy.

    When Milo was introduced to come out, the first thing I noticed how young he looked. (he looked barely 30) He then started talking with a British accent while wearing stringers of pearls around his neck. He was pretty hard to get a word in with this guy because he would always interrupt you. (he came off pretty obnoxious) He also came off as pretty feminine. He then described himself as just an obnoxious British ***!!!! I then just realized this is the face of Bretbart!!!!! The Holly Gospel for Conservative news!!!!! I've got a pretty good memory of the "old" Conservatives on here putting up pictures of Kathlin Jenner or Hillary in a Bathing suit to insult the Liberal cause.

    Now when it would have been the progressives turn to criticize everything dumb President Trump does. Or when they would have put up one of their famous Bretbart links to support their arguments. We could of shown the face or a recording of their Holly Gospell editor, as nothing more then a young obnoxious flaming Homosexual!!!!! (I have no problem with Gays, but the right wing Christians sure do and this is their Holly right wing news source)

    Dark Shadow was right, the "old" Conservatives on here aren't Lurking their Hiding!!!!!!!
    Call the wammmmmmmbulance!!!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Marky View Post
    Call the wammmmmmmbulance!!!





    oh wait, is it that your cycle?

    oh... no, sorry that's just pus...

    i sthat no rmalfo rabe achy ourage?


  5. #5


    What did you expose about Breitbart?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Stinkbait View Post
    What did you expose about Breitbart?
    That question is like explaining a joke to someone who doesn't get it!!! I'm sure the people who posted dozens of Breitbart links to prove their point get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Breitbart is not the 700 club with good clean right wing Christian values!!!!! Their just an organization that is selling "hate" to an audience that just doesn't like the Democratic party of America!!!!

    Now that Milo has being exposed for what and who he really is. Any progressive on here who wanted to discredit any Breitbart link need only ask a simple question. Do you identify with this man??? (insert picture now) What are they going to say??? "Yea this obnoxious flaming British Homo is just like me!!!!" I don't think so!!! That would have been the abrupt end of the Breitbart links here at FNN!!!!

    For the really slow people on here. (which seem to be the only ones who are making a feeble attempt in trying to defend the Republicans now a days) Kathlin Jenner is the poster child of the right to insult anything that is Liberal. We have seen him/her it used multiply times here on FNN to insult the progressives. So imagine the Left in trying to prove their progressive view points kept giving a link to a web site that Kathlin Jenner was an Editor. "WHAT DO YOU THINK THE CONSERVATIVES WOULD DO AS A RESPONSE???" They would keep showing a picture of him now as a women and then say, "you want us to give credibility to that persons website???" There would be laughter memes and GIFS shaking their head like there is no tomorrow!!!!!

    For the real real slow people on here who still don't get it. How about I just send you some crayons and glue to play with??? That's the best I can do to explain it!!! I'm sure Cedro Loco & company got it, for that's who I was really aiming at with my thread!!!!
    Last edited by etucker1959; 02-19-2017 at 09:12 AM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    Their not the 700 club with good clean right wing Christian values!!!!! Their just an organization that is selling "hate" to an audience that just doesn't like the Democratic party of America!!!!

    Now that Milo has being exposed for what and who he really is. Any progressive on here who wanted to discredit any Breitbart link need only ask a simple question. Do you identify with this man???Click image for larger version. 

Name:	la-et-milo-.jpg 
Views:	390 
Size:	94.4 KB 
ID:	49604 (insert picture now) What are they going to say??? "Yea this obnoxious flaming British Homo is just like me!!!!" I don't think so!!! That would have been the abrupt end of the Breitbart links here at FNN!!!!

    here, let me hep you wid dat...


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by hookdfisherman View Post
    here, let me hep you wid dat...






  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    Their not the 700 club with good clean right wing Christian values!!!!! Their just an organization that is selling "hate" to an audience that just doesn't like the Democratic party of America!!!!

    Now that Milo has being exposed for what and who he really is. Any progressive on here who wanted to discredit any Breitbart link need only ask a simple question. Do you identify with this man??? (insert picture now) What are they going to say??? "Yea this obnoxious flaming British Homo is just like me!!!!" I don't think so!!! That would have been the abrupt end of the Breitbart links here at FNN!!!!

    the new and improved version...


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by etucker1959 View Post
    That question is like explaining a joke to someone who doesn't get it!!! I'm sure the people who posted dozens of Breitbart links to prove their point get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Breitbart is not the 700 club with good clean right wing Christian values!!!!! Their just an organization that is selling "hate" to an audience that just doesn't like the Democratic party of America!!!!

    Now that Milo has being exposed for what and who he really is. Any progressive on here who wanted to discredit any Breitbart link need only ask a simple question. Do you identify with this man??? (insert picture now) What are they going to say??? "Yea this obnoxious flaming British Homo is just like me!!!!" I don't think so!!! That would have been the abrupt end of the Breitbart links here at FNN!!!!

    For the really slow people on here. (which seem to be the only ones who are making a feeble attempt in trying to defend the Republicans now a days) Kathlin Jenner is the poster child of the right to insult anything that is Liberal. We have seen him/her it used multiply times here on FNN to insult the progressives. So imagine the Left in trying to prove their progressive view points kept giving a link to a web site that Kathlin Jenner was an Editor. "WHAT DO YOU THINK THE CONSERVATIVES WOULD DO AS A RESPONSE???" They would keep showing a picture of him now as a women and then say, "you want us to give credibility to that persons website???" There would be laughter memes and GIFS shaking their head like there is no tomorrow!!!!!

    For the real real slow people on here who still don't get it. How about I just send you some crayons and glue to play with??? That's the best I can do to explain it!!! I'm sure Cedro Loco & company got it, for that's who I was really aiming at with my thread!!!!

    Tuck, you need to do a little more research on Jenner as well. She is a conservative as well. Go figure.

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