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Thread: Colin kapernick

  1. #21


    The TV networks can put a stop to these A-Holes in a matter of a few weeks. Just like with the more favorable streaker's, stop showing and talking about them on national TV.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkShadow View Post


    In any case, now I'm kinda curious.

    When Trump says America is terrible and he has to fix it, everyone cheers.

    When Kap says America needs a lot of work, everyone jeers.
    Let Kap say it all he wants, it still has absolutely nothing with watching an f'ng football game. Besides everybody including you are conveniently forgetting the socks. Should NFL players be allowed to wear clothing during practice, pre game or during games that insults a profession, no matter what that profession might be? Could you imagine the crap we would have to deal with?

    It's easy to confuse what the topic should be with deflections like who stands during the national anthem and who doesn't but like the "celebrations" that some do during the games if allowed the game would become a complete joke to watch. Doesn't matter what you think about Kap's stance it should not be allowed and that includes the fists in the air, kneeling etc... Pro football players have to uphold to some standards no matter what it might be to keep some continuity during the game, be places at a certain time, go into the locker at a certain time, standing at a certain time etc....

    So many conflate this subject to match up with their political or ideological thoughts but it is so much more simple than that. I want to watch football not sillass kids that think they know when the right time is to "protest".

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by NFCD I View Post
    The TV networks can put a stop to these A-Holes in a matter of a few weeks. Just like with the more favorable streaker's, stop showing and talking about them on national TV.
    You see the guy who ran across the field during last night's shellacking of the Rams?

    Dude had more yards gained in that 20 seconds than the Rams did all game.

    Quote Originally Posted by seal View Post
    Let Kap say it all he wants, it still has absolutely nothing with watching an f'ng football game. Besides everybody including you are conveniently forgetting the socks. Should NFL players be allowed to wear clothing during practice, pre game or during games that insults a profession, no matter what that profession might be? Could you imagine the crap we would have to deal with?

    It's easy to confuse what the topic should be with deflections like who stands during the national anthem and who doesn't but like the "celebrations" that some do during the games if allowed the game would become a complete joke to watch. Doesn't matter what you think about Kap's stance it should not be allowed and that includes the fists in the air, kneeling etc... Pro football players have to uphold to some standards no matter what it might be to keep some continuity during the game, be places at a certain time, go into the locker at a certain time, standing at a certain time etc....

    So many conflate this subject to match up with their political or ideological thoughts but it is so much more simple than that. I want to watch football not sillass kids that think they know when the right time is to "protest".
    So much like the NFL has moved to penalize any type of on field celebration, and has draconian bylaws in regards to pre and post game comportment (You can't wear Beats headphones during pre or post game interviews, guys, but Bose headphones are OK!), your opinion is that they should also be able to enact regulations during the national anthem to prevent these kids from stealing the spotlight with their silly politicized stunts? Perhaps fine them until they stand up with their hand to their heart?

    And until the NFL, who can put a stop to this, cracks down on their venue being usurped for political gains, perhaps boycott the entire league?

  4. #24


    Yes DS I believe there has to be regulations on what they have to do during the National Anthem and also have regulations for on field celebration. Only reason is that if allowed the game would become a complete joke because those that play the game and get payed well for it would continue to push it till the game would be lost in the BS that would follow. The headphone stuff is not applicable to this discussion, different story but that's all about sponsorship dollars. No different than working at Burger King, you have to wear the outfit, many places have rules about tattoo's showing, very few businesses allow you to "protest" when on the clock. We are our own worse enemies when it comes to this stuff, reality is that if it's allowed it will get out of control and without standards chaos and anarchy will reign. This reminds very much of discussions I use to have when managing individuals that come from very liberal parents, they just don't like to be told what they can and cannot do, it's impossible to make the simple argument that there is a time and place for you to be able to protest, when you are working you loose some of those rights if you want to keep your job. My favorite saying when things got out of control was "this is not a democracy", caused quite a few head explosions when I used that line.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by seal View Post
    Yes DS I believe there has to be regulations on what they have to do during the National Anthem and also have regulations for on field celebration. Only reason is that if allowed the game would become a complete joke because those that play the game and get payed well for it would continue to push it till the game would be lost in the BS that would follow. The headphone stuff is not applicable to this discussion, different story but that's all about sponsorship dollars. No different than working at Burger King, you have to wear the outfit, many places have rules about tattoo's showing, very few businesses allow you to "protest" when on the clock. We are our own worse enemies when it comes to this stuff, reality is that if it's allowed it will get out of control and without standards chaos and anarchy will reign. This reminds very much of discussions I use to have when managing individuals that come from very liberal parents, they just don't like to be told what they can and cannot do, it's impossible to make the simple argument that there is a time and place for you to be able to protest, when you are working you loose some of those rights if you want to keep your job. My favorite saying when things got out of control was "this is not a democracy", caused quite a few head explosions when I used that line.

    First, thanks for being the few where we can actually have a productive conversation. Don't think I've ever said that here.

    Second, while I understand that you say that "Burger King" is a corporation, my previous post tried to paint the NFL as a 'corporation,' which it is. And I said before, why isn't the NFL enacting any type of universal policy (much like BK does with their uniforms) when it comes to the national anthem? Much like Burger King has statutes that can curtail employee conduct, why can't the NFL do the same thing? Why haven't they've done so considering what is happening?


    Remember, unions are bad.

    (Except for police unions)

  6. #26



    the first time i put up a post and had conversation with another member: seal, one response put up by another member, was this...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-15-00-30-14.jpg 
Views:	783 
Size:	16.4 KB 
ID:	49039

    aka an illustrated rhetorical narrative...

    [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    you never get a second chance to make a first impression...

    “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”.. So Make it right the First time.

    When you meet people, you have five minutes to establish a positive relationship. Conclusions aren’t drawn solely from what a person says. 90% of opinions are formed based on non-verbal communication alone – your body language. Even the most confident person can send mixed messages with their body language.
    A first impression is usually formed within just a few seconds; most of the time you haven’t even said a full sentence.
    First impressions are more heavily influenced by nonverbal cues than verbal cues. In fact, studies have found that nonverbal cues have over four times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say. Luckily, the same nonverbal factors that draw you to certain people are what others are instinctively looking for in you.
    These are the very qualities that you can project nonverbally in those first crucial few seconds. Here are some powerful ways to make a positive first impression.

    • Adjust your attitude.

    People pick up your attitude instantly. Before you turn to greet someone, or enter an office for a business interview, or step onstage to make a presentation, think about the situation and make a conscious choice about the attitude you want to embody. Attitudes that attract people include friendly, happy, receptive, patient, approachable, welcoming, helpful and curious. Attitudes that are off-putting include angry, impatient, bored, arrogant, afraid, disheartened, and suspicious.

    i do...


  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by hookdfisherman View Post

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-15-00-30-14.jpg 
Views:	783 
Size:	16.4 KB 
ID:	49039
    Love the screenshot at 12:30 am. Wonder what you were doing up at that time?

    In any case, I do remember that post, thank you for reminding me, one of my favs, since it established your lack of sensibility from the get go. You sure made a great first impression!

    Claiming to catch and release fish after using a treble hook and PowerBait? I thought you were trolling us at the time, as did a few others, but apparently not. Good post tho. It was the same one where you immediately made your mark (and an *** outta yourself) without even having to travel to the GenDisc forum. Shame you deleted a few of your posts tho, but glad people quoted your brilliance.....

    Looks like you didn't make too many friends then and looks like things haven't changed now. Still catching and releasing gut hooked fish?


    But to get back to the topic at hand, when is the NFL going to mandate that all players must stand for the national anthem? Now you've got cheerleaders doing it. Pure Anarchy!!!!

    The NFL should mandate standing up with your right hand over your heart.

    And also mandate pre-game and post-game prayers. (But not to Buddha or Allah, cuz that would be weird)

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    fountain valley california


    I'm sorry but holy **** you guys giving kap hell are horrible people. I'm white and have never known what it is like to not trust authority figures. I believe all of you against his protest would feel the same if your car was broke down and you ended up getting tased. But wait, these black people aren't getting tased. They are being shot in public and dying in their own blood while the police watch. I'll give you one example and if you try to fight it then go to hell. The dude that was shot in Minnesota in his car with the kid in the back was a beloved man in the school system who on a regular basis tried to teach troubled kids at the high school he worked at to straighten up their lives. That officer went on paid administrative leave none the less. Now let's compare that to a situation in the past that supposedly shocked America. A white man walks into a bible study in South Carolina and kills 9 people in cold blood. Knowing they had their guy and what car he was in, the police proceeded to follow him for 37 miles until he voluntarily decided to stop. They arrested him and went on their way back. Well on that way back they decided to stop at a Burger King so the murderer could get some food in him. Why is it that unarmed black guys are being shot in their tracks yet this p.o.s. got to live and was fed a somewhat decent meal while in custody? Maybe some of you need to look into the situation first. Have any of you served? Until you have don't say there are people fighting for that flag and that's why we have to stand. Maybe ask a few people who have and are serving now and see what they think about kap expressing his freedoms in a non-harmful way. A bunch of you are just scumbags who think you are REAL AMERICANS. Well guess what, last time I checked REAL AMERICANS were free people and unfortunately it's not that way unless you have light skin.

  9. #29



    d umb s

    that's typical of the biotch you are... i see you still got that clump o sand crammed in yo crack... y don't u use that net handle?

    better i'll text googala and let her know u'll leave ur window open for her to sneak in and rub it out (or in?) for ya...

    go back and read...

    or just keep being the net bass hole you always were...

    did ya git er fixed yet?

    you know that crappie monogram on that piece of chit net you bought?



  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by hookdfisherman View Post

    d umb s

    that's typical of the biotch you are... i see you still got that clump o sand crammed in yo crack... y don't u use that net handle?

    better i'll text googala and let her know u'll leave ur window open for her to sneak in and rub it out (or in?) for ya...

    go back and read...

    or just keep being the net bass hole you always were...

    did ya git er fixed yet?

    you know that crappie monogram on that piece of chit net you bought?


    Shouldn't you be releasing trout that you caught on treble hooks and Powerbait while arguing your cockamamie theory that we never landed on the moon?

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