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Thread: Schiff: 2/3 of America to Lose Everything Because of This Crisis

  1. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by DEVOREFLYER View Post
    Here’s the REAL DEAL. I am more libertarian than right wing as I scored 81 on this test:

    I do not care what Fred and Fritz choose to do behind closed doors nor do I care if someone chooses to flush a fetus down the sink. Both are choices they have to live with and if there is a God and I believe there is one, they will be judged it’s not for me to care. It is beyond stupid to vote for anyone based on social issues when the country has much more pressing issues that have a greater effect on our daily lives and our children and grandchildren’s future.

    What I do care about and care about with great passion is the wrong direction this country is going in and has been going in for a number of years. What a joke it is that a country of 350+ million puts up for the Presidency the worst choices possible and both parties are guilty of this.

    It’s a fact that if you taxed 100% of everyone’s wages and 100% of corporate profits you would not balance the long term deficit of the country and no one seems to care. The biggest bubble we have is the bubble we and the government have created. It’s not a question if the bubble will burst but when. When the US dollar no longer is the Reserve Currency its party over and Check Mate!

    I am old enough to remember the 1950’s very well. It was a time when the father was the provider and mom was the homemaker and a good one was priceless. There was always someone home when little Johnnie or Jane came home from school. Dinner was a family event where everyone sat at the dinner table together and Sunday was a day of worship and then a trip to the grandparents for a family dinner. Saturday was chores and cut the lawn early and then a trip to the park for a picnic and maybe fishing with dad, maybe a drive-in movie if we were good.

    I don’t ever recall being bored as a kid as there was always something to do, imagine that with no TV or video games or computers. Kids today don’t know how to entertain themselves, tell them to read a book you got to be kidding me.

    Back then every wife was a man’s right arm and supporter and raising a family was a family team effort and grandparent’s sage advice was always welcomed. When anyone fell upon hard times or illness neighbors, family and church came to their rescue and helped, not the government.

    No trouble or goofing off in school as a trip to the principal’s office often ended meeting up with Mr. Paddle, teachers and our elders were given respect or else. When kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up boys always said policeman, fireman or soldier, little girls answered with nurse or teacher. Public Education today in most all areas is an abject failure with high dropout rates and no end in sight to the monies being spent and asking for more with little in real results shown.

    Then things changed, Dr. Spock on child rearing and then luxuries became necessities. First the automatic washing machine and dryer replacing the old wringer washer and clothes line to dry the clothes. Then the TV to replace the radio that we sat in front of and listened to for entertainment or read a book. Then you just had to have a color TV and then a big screen. Then came the computer and electronic games and don’t forget the microwave oven.

    In the 60’s and 70’s came off road vehicles, motorcycles and RV’s all luxuries but you could finance them and get instant gratification now. But you had to pay for that easy credit and moms went to work to pay for the luxuries. Yes luxuries became necessities and let’s not forget about Air Jordan and sport jersey’s and jackets, Gucci and other stuff.

    Oh and don’t forget the drugs, free love, bra burning and Viet Nam protests and the beginning of a culture of low expectations.

    We have become soft, selfish, greedy and lazy today. No one can fail, everyone gets a participation trophy, and everyone today feels they are owed something just for being on this earth.

    Failing and disappointment builds character and success rewards hard work. Failure is a bad word today and we don’t want to disappoint anyone. Hard work is not a virtue but an EBT card and 0bama phone is a prize to seek out.

    How can anyone today have any trust in the Government today with Fast & Furious, IRS scandal, Benghazi and the NSA.
    Did we forget about the Japanese internment camps like Manzanar and all of the Native American tribes forced off their lands and onto reservations in Oklahoma in the 1800’s, yes our government and its leaders of the time did that. I am of Native American heritage and will never ever let happen to me what happened to my ancestors.

    Yesterdays Haight Ashbury and Berkley hippies are today’s political leaders with Rainbow and Unicorn dreams and socialist leanings.

    It’s not personal as I don’t know you personally but I know your leanings and I strongly don’t agree with them as I am sure you gathered and you don’t agree with mine.
    I have become jaded and tired of the references to anyone that disagrees with the left as being racist, mouth breathing, redneck, capitalist pig, Uncle Tom, sexist, Bible and bitter gun clingers and the list goes on and on.

    Alinski tactics at its finest from the extreme left and this sleeping Bear has awakened from hibernation and is angry and hungry.

    I grieve for where this once great country has been and fear for its future.

    Where to begin? Obviously, all indigenous peoples of the Americas were really screwed over with disease (most of the fatalities, by the way) and terrible discrimination. We aren't suggesting we should discriminate against anyone. Your dwelling on that is creating a small, fearful world in which to hang your hat.

    As for Fred and Fritz, even Chris Christie understands that it is the way they are born. If there is a God who would punish them for being what He created, He should be embarrassed. Of course, there is no God (INMHO), so your sentiment is irrelevant. As to termination of pregnancy, that is a thornier issue I still believe should be dealt with by the woman and her doctor. Obviously, once the pregnancy goes to a certain point, we need to ensure a live birth and support for the child.

    As for taxing everyone and everything 100%, that's a red herring. Just look back to Clinton's modest tax hike and the elimination of the deficit by the end of his term. We as a country with our own currency aren't going to become Greece, as much as you want to believe that. Just read Nobel laureate Paul Krugman on jobs and deficit spending. Of course, even if you did, you would reject it out of hand. Again, you create a small, fearful world in which to live.

    I remember the 1950's too. It was also a time of terrible poverty and discrimination towards whole groups of people, something you should be concerned with because of your background. It also was a time when one person could make a good living and support a family by working hard. One of the reasons for that was the rise of solid unions. I know you believe unions are a socialist and destabilizing force. Like anything else, corruption can arise in unions. That's not a reason to destroy them. That's a reason to regulate them and put the corrupting influences in jail. That's common sense.

    I also remember the 1960's. That was a time when many groups demanded equal rights and justice. That activity tends to upset the powers that exist. It also creates a backlash from those in power which tends to create unfortunate conflict. No one is suggesting riots or other violence is good. However, to say there are no reasons for it is ludicrous. It was also a time when women wanted out of men's shadows, a place they had been relegated to for centuries. When you look at "primitive" peoples, you find that women are equal partners in making their livings in the world. We had lost that. I have always believed that was a foolish position for societies to take.

    As for the easy credit, it wouldn't have been possible if big banks hadn't been deregulated to allow for anyone with a pulse to get that credit. Many of our financial issues wouldn't have happened had regulations been kept in place. Those regulations didn't damage the profits of those banks. The deregulation did however give them windfall profits that led to the disparity of income we see today that is so corrosive to our quality of life. Statistics show the correlation between the two.

    As for drugs, we've really handled that one well, haven't we. Even the drugs have been made worse by the war on drugs we've waged for so long. When the laws were made draconian, the drugs were purified to the n'th degree to assist with smuggling. It would be far easier to deal with chewing coca leaves as indigenous peoples still do in South America. It's like a strong cup of coffee, if you don't already know that. This pattern has been repeated over and over for different drugs. We should have dealt with it as an addiction. That is the reasonable way of approaching it.

    As to the lazy hippies argument, that's another red herring. The vast majority of people would like a good job to fix what ails them. The reports to the contrary are mostly put out by people who have an agenda and who live in a small, fearful world. Do you see a pattern here? You should as that thread runs through many on the far right.

    Finally, as to all the "scandals" you cite, most are overblown reactions to events that were falsely characterized. Even the ones where there is fire are being used to overreact to perceived threats. Obviously, "Japanese internment camps like Manzanar and all of the Native American tribes forced off their lands and onto reservations in Oklahoma in the 1800’s" were terrible and no one here is suggesting otherwise. All that is an embarresing and disgusting chapter in our history.

    I know that the depth of detail isn't as many would wish. However, you put forth a tremendous amount of information.

  2. #162
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    Apr 2010
    Yo' couch!


    Quote Originally Posted by pcuser View Post
    Being a community organizer doesn't make him a "socialist radical". "Rules for Radicals" in this context doesn't make him a "radical" the way you define one. You see a radical as a bad thing like on the right. When used in the pursuit of helping a community come together politically and socially for the betterment of the community, it isn't radical. It's a road map out of poverty and political repression.
    I'd be willing to bet that if you took a poll, 90% of folks out there have never heard of Alinsky. The only reason his name makes the rounds is because some conservative blowhard needed a figurehead to direct his political angst towards. Never mind the fact that "Rules for Radicals" were not novel concepts, nor that these tactics are exclusive to liberals - conservatives are just as apt to be found using them.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawgZWylde View Post
    Well said and every bit the truth. I am a constitutional conservative, not a "conservative". Big difference. That puts me on the right side of the Libertarian coin. I have never posted my personal political views here, only expressed my opposition to the progressive socialists and corruptocrats currently in power. The progressive socialist coin has two sides. On one side of the coin is the leftist prog socialists, and on the other, are the RINO's. I oppose both. Indeed, it's blatantly obvious we have extreme left wing trolls who live in this general section. Learned their Alinsky well didn't they?
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.
    That's just the kind of flippant remark I'd expect from a progressive fly-fisherman....

  5. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.
    That's a really good question. I suspect the answer is no...

  6. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.
    I don't necessarily see a difference between HawgZ and other more conservative posters and that of some of the more obvious liberal posters on this website, in fact I think liberals tend to pigeon hole conservatives way more than visa versa.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    the danger zone


    Quote Originally Posted by seal View Post
    I don't necessarily see a difference between HawgZ and other more conservative posters and that of some of the more obvious liberal posters on this website, in fact I think liberals tend to pigeon hole conservatives way more than visa versa.
    hey,wait a sec... did you just pigeonhole liberals by calling them pigeonholers? And WTH is a pigeonhole? And how did that expression become part of our lexicon? Let's break into discussion groups and explore this more deeply.

  8. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    hey,wait a sec... did you just pigeonhole liberals by calling them pigeonholers? And WTH is a pigeonhole? And how did that expression become part of our lexicon? Let's break into discussion groups and explore this more deeply.
    Why did I come back!?!? I was so happy just posting on fishing stuff, breath of fresh air, but you brought me back somehow.

    You have great power City Dad, I believe you to be a mind controlling evil Nazi muslim liberal loving comi.

  9. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by HawgZWylde View Post
    Wanna go back and start pulling up all the posts you three have thread-jacked using rhetorical ridicule in the name of humor?
    No need, I have 'em all. They're being published into a memoir.

    Quote Originally Posted by HawgZWylde View Post
    Meh, debating narcissistic trolls gets old after awhile.
    And yet you continue doing it.

    Now I know how those poor stripers feel when they keep chasing the umbrella rigs around Castaic. Just that reptilian instinct kicking in I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVOREFLYER View Post
    Here’s the REAL DEAL. I am more libertarian than right wing as I scored 81 on this test:

    The fact that you're using an online quiz to determine "the real deal" on where your political leanings are, pretty much invalidates everything else that came after that. At first I thought someone was being facetious until I saw who posted. Please tell me you were joking, right?

    If not, you may want to check out the King of the Hill episode where Peggy takes an online IQ test and it determines she's a genius.

    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing, thread jacking, narcissistic troll communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.
    Fixed it for you.

  10. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by seal View Post
    Why did I come back!?!? I was so happy just posting on fishing stuff, breath of fresh air, but you brought me back somehow.

    You have great power City Dad, I believe you to be a mind controlling evil Nazi muslim liberal loving comi.

    I was just thinking this thread was about to die with the Conservatives losing steam. When here comes Seal!!!!!! This reminds me of a bunch of crazy Afghan insurgents. Our guys will kill a bunch of them off, sensing victory is ours and then a whole new batch of them comes in to get slaughtered!!!

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