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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Beaumont, CA


    Here's the latest, go in line around 530, about 20 cars back or so. Loaded up and were on the water by 640. My buddy that was with me likes fishing for LMB rather than Striper, so we headed straight to Rawson's and starting throwing some baits. 3rd cast was hook-up, 2 pounder. Buddy catches 2 in a row, back and forth for a bit. Nothing exciting.....I talk him into heading over to the West damn. We tied up to the buoys with about 4 other boats and starting chucking. About the 5th cast I hook a nice LMB on the KPN, SKINNY SHAD BABY!!!!! Next few casts my KPN gets nailed........SOMETHING BIG!!!!!! Drag peeling off my heavy Crucial / Curado combo with 15 pound braid...........then, you guessed it, snap!!! WTF!!!!! Only conclusion I could come up with is I tied to laziest knot ever on my poll. So not only did I lose a potential DD striper, I lost my 15 dollar KPN!!!! GOD DAMMMMITTTTTT!!!!!! I immediately starting puking over the side of the boat!! Needless to say, I threw on my KPN Skinny Perch for nada else. I got 1 more good hit with on the perch but couldn't hook it. While I was still throwing up over the side of the boat, I threw out my scrounger and landed my first 2 pound Smallie.....nice!!! Made a few other trips to various places and landed LMB's here and there, nothing big and nothing exciting. I still feel sick from my mishap and am ready to go back and do nothing but search for big Stripes!!!!!!!! I'm pissed........oh I need some more KPNS too!!!! lol. My buddy took a crappy picture of the smallie but I'll post in a bit. Thanks for reading and the bite is tremendously slower then 2 weeks ago when I was there. Boated about 15 LMB's and 1 smallie...........Scroungers and KPN's were the ticket!! Thanks for reading! Until next time America...........................DUCT HERE I COME!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Like El Senor


    Glad to hear you did well ... things should pick in the next couple of weeks into the new moon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Beaumont, CA


    Explain this moon theory to me when you get a chance will ya?? I've heard a few different versions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Like El Senor


    During the full moon, fish tend to be more active at night chasing their food. Shad are very much active whenever there is light out. Full moon allows all the critters to feed during the dark periods ... opposite is true during the new moon, and fish tend to feed more at first light than overnight. Full moon is great on the ocean, because you can be on the water during their feeding cycle, full moon at lakes means the fish are going to bed not long after youare on the water ... at the river or other non restricted access areas, you can be there overnight during the full moon. Hope that all makes some sense.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Great report - going tomorrow, will post. Gotta love the topwater bite! Big stripers? Hope my 6 and 8 # test hold up.

  6. #6


    Could we please not use the GD word there are readers on this site that love the our God, and don't like to read those kind of words, they are very disrespectful, I'm not trying to pick a fight just asking for a simple favor, I would respect any other simular request from anyone that I may have offended.

    Thanks and God Bless,

  7. #7


    sorry bout the lost fish....thats a bummer....BUT

    You made contact...thats the important thing so your doing something right...

    get out again and fish it hard....find thats fish's Grandma and get sum revenge !

    no LMB luv on the alive minnow ?

    just curious....should have worked...

    Glad ta see ya tangled with a time it will be yours !

    good job on tangleing with 'em..

    Salute !


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