Took the day off and hopped on the Redondo Special with my dad and uncle. I just bought myself a Penn Jigmaster 500L paired with a 7' Shimano Tallus Blue Water rod so I was eager to try it out.

Sick, sick, sick... just about everybody got sick on this trip--I was one of the lucky few which is strange since I usually get hit pretty bad. :shock: Anglers were dropping like flies, including my dad and uncle who were one of the first to go. By my count, there were only 9 of us who made it through unscathed. Boy, I felt for the others... But after the trip my dad and uncle had a good laugh about it.

Fishing was real slow for the first couple hours. It looked like we headed straight due west from Redondo and the captain said we were fishing in about 200ft of water. I was pulling up dink starries for the first couple stops. About halfway through things start picking up... olive rockfish, nice-sized vermilion, double hookup on olives, then another couple vermilions. Used dropper loops with anchovies and squid strips.

We moved around a lot--captain said he was metering fish but apparently they just weren't biting. He and deckhand took some time to fish during the lulls, throwing their few catches into some of the empty sacks. Their report says 17 anglers and 59 rockfish, but I'm pretty sure it was closer to 45 (2 spots before we headed back the deckhand counted just 35).

Came home in time to cook up some fresh fish tacos for the family!

Note: The winning bocaccio was disqualified because some anglers said the guy's friend helped reel it in. Can't say I remember seeing him help out, but also didn't realize that was a rule. The guy who caught it was pretty cool afterwards, but his friend wasn't too happy about it.

Starry dinks and olive rockfish.

Vermilion rockfish.

Bocaccio--could've been the jackpot fish.

Nice vermilion.

My uncle wanted the dinks and an olive so this was my take.


Fish tacos!