Let me remind people of dangers the government ignored or put a band aid on it for years. (while thousands of people died every year)

1. Smoking

2. Climate change

3. Gun violence

4. Automobile safety devices (including seat belts and air bags)

5. Pollution of our oceans including dumping!!!!!!

still missing your point

you seem unable to distinguish between known historic occurrences that have been made public

and public indifference to assuring a change in policy by confronting the problem

was there
ever any laws stop you from installing seatbelt

the correlation between disease and smoking was public knowledge since pre ww2
and even with 80 years of public warnings new people still start smoking today

climate change never denial that it happened

only the basic driving force that is responsible

gun violence

it's up to the mass's to cause change

and somehow you think instead of indifference it's a coverup

pretty weak excuse using the government as your personal judas goat

no facts hidden

the numeral uno cause of death for the 18 and under demographics not drugs

but drugs make better news coverage

people know this and keep on buying guns like they are hotcakes
why because they don't care