Quote Originally Posted by Natural Lefty View Post
Republicans lobbied Biden to boycott Russian oil, but when he did that, they blamed Biden for increasing the price of oil and worsening inflation. This is a pattern of sabotage that Republican politicians engage in over and over again. Meanwhile, they get their voters, like Chucky, to freak out over stuff like the price of gasoline, when we are facing an international war crisis that could spread, an ongoing pandemic, and a former president who constantly cries fraud and refuses to accept the results of the previous election, while he and his colleagues actively work to undermine our democracy.

Yet, here we are, still talking about how sleepy Joe is. We really need some new topics on this page, in my opinion.
Trump is not president.

He’s still in your head.

This president as you say, um… sleepy joe
Is a complete disaster that you voted for.
High gas prices that’s just a match in a fire.
You dummies voted for this.
This disaster is on you.
Remember Obama said elections have consequences.
Just buy an electric car.
Mayor Pete said too.