Heard kind of a weird thing today (Tues.) while crappie fishing at Fairmount Park. I ask a regular bass fisherman if he knew where all the ducks went, because there's not very many now compared to how many there was a month or so ago. He was told by a park employee that they were told to break any duck eggs that they found as they cleaned up around the lake, because the ducks were making too much of a mess with all their poop everywhere and there was just too many of them. They had to have rounded up and caught lots of adult ducks too. There were never a lot of newly hatched ducklings there. A few, but not enough to make a big difference. Maybe they took them to another county park lake. The ducks were not really a problem, and they never scared the fish at all. I have caught bass right next to ducks and geese. I've seen bass actually follow the birds as they swam in the water. Not sure if they like their shade or if they stir up crawdads or food for the bass. The real problem is those messy Mudhens (Coots). They crap all over the place and when you want to quietly walk up to a spot along the shoreline, if they are nearby, they all start running across the water's surface making a hell of a lot of commotion that I am sure scares all the fish away!