What's up guys had a day off and took the kids to the wood. Not too many people out which was nice trolled around Miller and cleghorn with nothing. Didn't see any boils so went out to see we're all the other boats went. Trolled the inlet over to the damn picked one up off the big bouy by the spillway. Not bad 2-3 lbs, nothing else going so we went over and marked some fish and drifted some chovies. Wind was blowing pretty good pushing me at 1.5 mph at times. Slowed it down with the sea anchor. Picked up a couple descent fish in the 3-4 lb range, the rest were small schoolies. Saw some action down low so I dropped to the bottom and let line go while we were drifting felt it and set the hook. Picked up a kitty cat 3lbs not a bad day, everything got put back didn't want to clean fish on my day off 😉 Sorry no pics phone is broke. Kids wanting to go back out tomorrow. Now the only thing is getting the ol lady to let us go out 1 more time this weekend.

Weather wasn't too bad wind would pick up and die off wouldn't get still but some nice breaks. 51 degrees in the morning warmed up enough to take the sweater off somewhere around 70 probably. Water temp still high 72-74. Hope the bite picks up going into winter.