Hello Everybody,

Already had plans going fishing today, but haven't decided where. Since I woke up kinda late and saw grey light already creeping out, decided to hit the South Bay.

Got there before 6 and was greeted by the bright morning. When I was tying up the LC from above where I parked, saw an area with fishy structure so headed that way.

Got to the spot, the waves were stronger than what I hoped, so didn't really expect much. After a few casts, I thought I got a hit, but it was probably kelp, cos broken kelp was all over the place today. Continued on, and suddenly I get a very decent strike right after the lure hit the water. Fight on!!! I could feel this was something special. I checked my watch just to time how long it might take me to reel him in. Started with two splashes without exposing itself from a distance. Then started to shift left and out, left and out; felt like 15 minutes of this battle back and forth. A beast for sure how the action was going. I hold my rod up to keep the tension, and slowly reel him in feet by feet, until the fish tires out. Finally, got the first glance to see it's tail (still swinging), but couldn't identify what type of bass. Just 5 feet away from success, waited until the next wave and landed him. It was HUGE, didn't think it was long, but HUGE. Looked at the time again; only passed 7 minutes. Hahaha....

This beast measured out to be 34" (Personal Best Striped Bass).

Close up, the head looked oddly funny.

If you look close to how it was hooked, only the first two treble hooks were attached to the outer side of the mouth, the third treble hook was loose, don't know if I foul hooked him or not, but I'll take it anyways.

Look at the tail!! disgusting...

Since there were more people on this beach, I was able to grab someone to help take a photo of me with it.
Measuring tape never gives the size of the fish justice.

Right after the shot, comes the release.

Continued to fish until 9:00 with two other species.

Short Butt

1st YFC for the year. long time no see ...

Brand new LC, see how much beaten it got.

This is my 2nd Striper I've ever caught. The first one was just 8 days ago also in the South Bay.
Have been trying get a hand on these guys for some quite time.
Was thinking of going the shorter route to Castaic, but Poseidon had other thoughts.

Hope everybody enjoyed it.

As always tight lines,
ALbert (jinbow)