As a lot of you know I spend most of my time fishing Skinner, but with so much boat traffic lately I decided to hit DVL before it closes. I fished there the past two days and did very well both days. The majority of the fish were caught from noonish-6pm.

I was using brush hogs with red flake on straight 10# fireline and the guy on the back of the boat(elbowlayer) was using a mix of plastics. Six of our fish came from the West dam and the rest came from various points around the lake. I had a 3+# fish average with a nice 5 and change bass. All fish were caught in water 20ft or less.

If anyone is considering hitting the lake before it closes I would not think twice. If anyone does go out, the wind is kicking up in the afternoon which means there are waves on the lake! It is worth it to stick it out just make sure you wear a jacket if you cross the middle of the lake.

Here is a current picture of the water level.