This is a trick I use on all my reels when using a backing or top shot. it requires a spare spool or another reel with the same line capacity.

step one, decide how much top-shot line you will need. I typically buy a spool of line that is the length I want to make things easier.

2. reel the top shot line onto the spare spool or extra reel first. when you have the desired amount of top-shot(spool should only be partially full) cut the line.

3. tie the backing line to the end of the top shot line and fill the spool to the desired level, everyone's opinion of this is different but i just leave about a 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch from the egde of the spool on both spinning and casting reels.

4. now that you have the correct amount of each line on your extra spool/reel backwards all you need to do is reel it onto the reel/spool you will be using.

This will save you from guessing how much line to take off of a spool to top shot it, or how much backing to put on a reel in order to have room for the desired amount of top-shot.

when using a conventional reel as your extra spool you can use the drag to tension the line and you reel. do not do this with a spinning reel as it will twist the line. take the spool off and let the line spin off the reel like a conventional spool would spin.

I'm sure most of us still kinda guess and end up using too much premium line to be safe. this might save a few bucks but i do it mainly to know exactly how much line i have before the backing.