First off...Good Friday To All...

Decided to hit up an L.A. Beach to see if any fish wanted to play...
I checked conditions and saw that this area might be able to help produce some nice fish.
I had commented on SP Dans report that I was going to be up his way and see if he wanted to go.
He never contacted me so I would be going solo... When I woke up at 3:30, I had seen that someone had sent me a text?!?
Low and behold, it was Don (Bachiboy) and he was given a Hall Pass from the Wifey...
I text back that I would see him there..
I arrived at 5:30 sharp and Don showed up just a couple minutes later.

Gray Light was around 5:45
Water was clear to 3 feet
Water temp was around 59-60 degrees
Waves were forecasted, 3'-4' from 283 degrees. It was closer to 1-2 feet...SWEET!

Don and I touched the water right at 5:50.
We each cast out and were both rewarded on our first cast;

Don with a 10" BSP and myself with a 12" rockfish...
We were both hoping that we wouldn't be cursed by the dreaded, "First Cast Curse" Only time would tell.

We decided that we would head North and see if it was the right move.
As we were working a nice area, a nice wave was coming at me and I had my foot wedged between two guessed it...ROLLED
Oh well, that area is known for getting most everyone wet for their morning session, at one time or another...
After I recovered it didn't take long before I was rewarded with my next fish;

I nice 18" Calico Bass. If you look behind me, you will see the area that I caught it from...
Both Don and I were working this area for a good 25 minutes and for Dons reward, he got his first Halibut of the morning;

It was a dink, but it still counts for the species total...

I was also rewarded with another fish from this area;

This one had better, more vivid coloring.

We were both chomping at the bit, to get to the area we both know have held a lot of fish in the past.
It started while Don and I were talking. As he was looking at his retrieval, I to was looking at his retrieval when all of a sudden,
I pull my LC out of the water and a short flatty comes at least 3" out of the water, trying to grab my LC...
I let out a little girl scream while telling Don, "Did you see that?!?' He said no and I immediately said, "If there's one, there has to be more."
So we kept working this particular area and it happened again. I wasn't paying attention and a bigger flatty had jumped at my LC, while lifting it out of the water....
These Halibut have gotten a little smarter since the last time I was here.
In the mean time, Don isn't getting any love from Poseidon.
Still in the same spot, I finally get a flatty to hold on, it hit me almost as I was lifting my LC, but this one got hooked....then came off, due to Angler Error...
At least they were there and we were in the right spot.
It took another 10 minutes before either one of us got a bite, and it happened to be me again;

It tapes out at 25" and is my 4th legal of the year...yes I'm happy but at the same time, bummed cause Don isn't getting anything to bite...

After that fish, we weren't getting any more bites, so we decide to move further South and see what's going on.
It was looking pretty dismal, so we turned around and headed further North.
Well now it's Dons turn...

While I'm fishing one spot, Don is just nailing the YFC. Then he gets a little Checkerboard to add to his species count. (No Pics)
I did hook up to one fish, but it took me in the kelp and came unbuttoned.
It was right around 8:45 and Don mentioned that he would turn into a pumpkin at 9:00...
So we head back South, while walking back he says, " let's hit that one area again and see if it's still holding any fish......GOOD CALL

As he is pulling it out of the water, I call out 22 1/2" and I was right on the dot... That was Dons 7th legal this year...

Now that's the Don I know!
We continue to work the area and Don gets another little Calico:

It's getting close to 10:00 and I tell him he is going to be in trouble and he still has to get to Costco... ACT LIKE YOU'RE NOT A DOMESTIC DISPUTE VICTIM...

As he walking towards me, to leave for the day, he gets hit hard...

Holy Moly, he gets another legal Halibut;

It was a solid 25"er and a nice way to end the session...

BUT, not before I tell you a little story about Don.

After he caught that last fish, we start talking about tomorrows conditions.
As I'm rattling on about a completely different subject now, out of the blue this is what he says... AND NOT TOWARDS ME, "I think I can swing it?!?"
That Dude didn't hear a word I had said and was thinking the whole time, how he was going to get a Hall Pass for tomorrow...


Don, it was great fishing with you and I was very happy that you were able to make it out...

Todays totals: All fish released.
3 Halibut ( 2 Legal )
3 Yellow Fin Croaker
2 Calico Bass
1 Barred Surf Perch

2 Halibut ( 1 Legal )
2 Calico Bass
1 Yellow Fin Croaker
1 Rockfish

Have A Great Easter Everyone and May The Lord Bless You,