finally got a day off from my primary work , ive been jonesing to fish since the striperfest at pyramid.after hearing skinner and castaic were being bluestoned and pyramids water was just a little too hot i went with what hardcor told me about silverwood . first thing was they dont honor castaic or pyramid quagga tags anymore ,second was i was glad i do the clean and dry thing everytime i come off the water or i would have been turned away and had to go to skinner. hit the water and tryed cleghorn first it had fish breaking the surface all over the place only problem was they were lmb after catching 3 of them it was time to head for the channel . soon as got out of cleghorn the first rod got slammed it was a nice 3lb schoolie it happened quick so i tossed him back , then a little further up the channel and another i did the quick throw back thinking maybe it was going to be a good day , just before i got to the main body of the lake i got another schoolie i tossed him and kept rolling. i cruised around the main body for about 90 minutes with only a couple weak strikes , i started wondering what was going on ,i could see big fish in schools and i was running right thru them but they were not interested . i changed colors depths and speeds but no takers , then i flashed back to me and cory fishing there a few months ago ,i stopped the boat pulled in the big rigs and put them away , i broke out the light spinning tackle and the x-raps cory had given me. needless to say it was totally wide open all over the main body of the lake on 2lb schoolies all day , as soon as i dropped them down on the downrigger they were being hit. after catch and releasing about 30 of them i decided this is whats happening today and switched to even lighter rods and line and just enjoyed the little fish on the little rods. the weather was great the baitguys were bummed because the water was turned off and so was the bite at the inlet . i fished from 630 till 4 and never had a slow moment ,the fish c and r was over 60 at least them little schoolies were just going off ,i had to take some advil because them and the dr's worked me too hard today but thats the kind of pain i love,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T/O,,,,,,,,,,,,,i took only a couple pics all the stripers looked actually the same,,,,,,,,,,,,,