so i finally got my license renewed which was on 01/01/2013. non of my friends like fishing they think is ultra boring so i had to wait till one of them agreed to go with me (hate to go by my self). hit the location at about 10:30 which is late i know, lots of sea weed in the water with every 10 casts 9 of them got tangled in weed. Bait :- Berkley Gulp 6" Sand worm hook size # 2 color red....what i caught 8 perches and one looked red for some reason very red...and some thing they fought really hard and broke my pole i don't know, what was on the other side in the water and while fighting with current i dropped my cell in water do'h..over all i need fishing friends who enjoy fishing but still a good day only 4 hours spent back one before 4 pm!!! no picture sorry cell won't turn on