Quote Originally Posted by troutman27 View Post
Please note, with most arguments / debates, there is a gray area. Placing a ban on guns is not the same thing as gun control. Long term effects of a total gun ban could be the disappearance of an entire industry, small towns included. There are small towns that really depend on fishing and hunting to create revenue. (Thus, jobs)
At the same time, perhaps there needs to be a thorough investigation into how guns are distributed, and ultimately, what one is actually allowed to buy. Different rules apply to different states and it tends to be a pattern that these incidents occur in not so urban, or not in what we would consider the stereotypical place.

I think society understands that "people kill people", but the debate really surrounds the accessibility of these weapons which makes these crimes that more convenient.

PS: I grew up around firearms and I am not against those that own them.
Well said. That is the position of many in the "so-called" gun control movement...