I won a Abu revo stx stripped for painting on eBay for 60$ and hes throwing in a abec-5 ceramic bearing kit I know STEAL!!!! So since its stripped for paint I want to paint it myself. I know I can take it to go get spray painted but I would rather do it myself since it would be fun. To anyone who's ever painted a reel, what kind of paint should I use it's all aluinum so I think regular spray paint would work and I had this idea of painting the frame pearl white or flat white and the sideplates flat back. I've painted before and I know if I put primer on The flat white won't look flat and would look cloudy so is it ok to not put primer on just like 7-8 coats of paint then clear coat? I think it will hold up. So is it ok to just use the regular 4$ spray paint they have at Kmart or should I use something more high tech like the 10 or 20$ cans? And who thinks I should just take it to the paint shop to get it done? Thanks for the help. And anybody have some cool ideas for painting it with stencils and stuff? I wanted to put a calico bass stencil or some waves on it waiting for some
cool Ideas guys.