Hey guys I thought I would make a simple step by step tutorial on how to paint your own or repaint old lead. This is just the easiest and most effective way I have found.

materirals: powder paint( this comes in many colors for this I just kept it simple), Mask or respirator( dangerous fumes are present), model glue( super glue will lift the paint), sticker eyes, candles, lighter, and a bunch of old lead!

Step one:With the lid secrued shake the powder paint to a fluff.

Step two:Light your candle, keep your lighter near by.

Step three: Take one lead head and hover it over the candle twisting and turning it every so often. I usually do this for about 40 seconds.

Step four: dip your hot lead head into the powder paint. For best results I dip it and give it a little swirl in the paint. After you take the lead out Give it a few taps on the side of the powder paint jar knocking off the excess. If the paint is still powder on the led head after dipping take your lighter and even it out. If you put it back over the candle it will turn black but not with the lighter.

Step five: Hang your newly painted lead on a rack of some sort and let them dry over night. I hang mine on a book shelf near my work bench.

Step six: Now its time to put on the eyes. Take the model glue and put a drop of it on to your lead where you want your eye to be. Next stick the eye on the with your finger smear the excess glue around and over the eye. If you try this with super glue it does NOT work out to good for your finger! I usually do all of them on the same side first. allow a half hour or more to dry.

Step seven: Repeat step six for the other side and your done!

The posibilties are endless, this is just the cheapest most generic way. There are a ton of eyes, colors, weed guards, skirts, etc..

Say you want a faded look you can put some of the powder paint into a worm blower and "puff" the paint on only where you want it.

If you have any questions PM me.

Here are a few I have done.

Good luck
