After I get off work at the Bar tonight in Poway I am going to wake up my kid and head east! My old man was at the base in El Centro when I was a kid and we fish the canals all the time. I have Taken My kid only once before and I tried finding the Place my old man took me to but that did not work out to good we fished alot around calexico and that place has grown alot in the last 30 years. I couldnt get access to some and couldnt remember other. I took my son to the hydro electric plant by Gordons well but I know that been changed as well due to the lining. We also fish were the hi line started. I am thinking of taking him more towards the salton sea. I can remember an old ice house we would stop at for blocks I think it was in niland. Can any one suggest any places ? I would appreciate it thank you! Mike