Might as well get this out of the way-- got the big, fat, skunk. But because I did I can reveal all details... bad for me and probably bad for you (because if you fish the way I did, in the places I did, you're going to meet the skunk yourself).

Have to say that Weds. was a beautiful LOOKING fishing day. Mist and overcast hung around all day as the rain system moved out. No heavy rain and the temp was chilly but not cold. Mist was hanging, eagles were flying, herons were fishing shad along the shore... I really thought, this is THE day. Let me add that my skunk was not for a lack of trying, got there as the gate opened and fished until my boat was due back at 4pm.

Here's what I tried:
To begin the day I drifted away from the launch ramp casting a Spook that looks like a rainbow trout... after that I cast a SPRO hinged rainbow trout swimbait--

Seeing a couple of fish break the surface nearby I went to a KPN shad topwater cast past and back through the spots where the fish jumped... nothin'.
Trolled slowly away from the launch ramp pulling the big old Castaic rubber rainbow trout to no avail. Picked up and buzzed down to the buoy line-- very weird to see only one raft there! (He stayed most of the day fishing 'dines down near the bottom and caught 2 or 3 schoolies) Not having live or cut bait, I trolled a lipless KPN crank shad with leadcore down in the 40, 50 and 60' zone. Metered more fish at 50' than the bottom but I got no strikes. Changed to an umbrella rig sporting a whole school of plastic shad swimbaits and got zip. Finally motored into the fish I continued to meter near the big floating barrel and vertically jigged some silver spoons and, you guessed it...

Gave up on the buoy and motored back to the fish arm where I metered a bunch of fish in 30-40' on the dropoff on the north side of Eucalyptus Point-- fished Carolina rig with a shad color curly tail worm-- couldn't get anyone interested.

Moved across to Trout Point (where I didn't see much in the way of fish on my meter) but I stayed anyway-- this time trying a drop shot green plastic and winding-up by casting up into the shallows with a shad crank bait.

Lots of work (and a bit of fun) but not a damned fish to show for it! Good thing my rental boat was the free one you get every four paid rentals.

Comments, encouragement, instruction... any and all appreciated.