The Sprecher twins & I fished for three more days and it went something like this: Get up at 6, hit the “Hole” for pike, with a few 2-7lb-ers, and then throw huge plugs for muskies for nothing. Come back, eat lunch, take a nap and drink. Head out again before dusk to plug and troll for muskies. Come back in, drink, and party till way to late at the lodge.

Me pluggin’ for muskies.

The last day, we decided to fish Pike Bay, a lake attached to Cass by a narrow & shallow passage. Care was needed as the water was very shallow, and we pass under a couple of bridges with just 4” of clearance! This bridge had a train sitting atop it-A first for the twins.

We had to duck down into the boat completely, and even remove the windshield to make it thru!

A few of the other bridges.

As we entered Pike Bay, the weather was nice, and we were greeted by yet another bald eagle sitting atop the bare tree in the center of this picture.

We fished walleye, though we didn’t catch any.

Then we soaked some suckerfish while plugging a bar for muskies. I managed 1 or 2 on 3 or four “take-downs” Jeff went something like 3 for 4 (experience matters.) Umm, thanks for the "hand" Jim....

This was the view just ashore from us. The Birch trees were in full color.

As I was fishing the stern of th boat, I looked down to see a large musky (48" approx) cruising by just behind the boat and 3 feet down. DAMN that thing was huge! I was like, "Big fish!, Musky!" He just turned down and away and cruised off. That BIG red tail assured me of what he was. Jim saw him too, but Jeff was at the bow and did good by trying not to spook the fish. We threw everything at him to encourage a strike for nada. That was the highlight of the day though.

Back at the resort on the last evening:

It was really cool meeting all the nice folks up in Minnesota as I have been hearing all the stories for years now. Vince, in the middle here, is Jeff’s cousin who owns a beautiful cabin right on the lake with his lovely wife, Chris. Nice folks! Mark’s head is in the foreground. He’s the resort owner, along with his nice wife, Carrie.

We watched football on the big screen a lot too.

Note the 53” musky that the resort owner, Mark, caught. I asked him and he said he had caught over 200 musky! This guy is a SERIOUS musky fisherman!

The “Three Amigos”

Some cool fall foliage. (We don’t get this too much here in Cali)

Here is a view from Vince’s front yard….NICE.

An eagle flying over their house on a crisp fall day.

On the final trip that I was on before leaving, We all went musky trolling with Mark showing us how they do it up North. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t play. Mark thinks the water is turning over because we should have had at least a strike. Here, Jim, Jeff’s twin, shows his best side!

Jeff & Jim

I owe a debt of gratitude to the boys, especially Jeff, for allowing me to crash their annual fall trip. Thanks man, I had a blast and will always have those memories of catching Northerns! Fun stuff.
