Quote Originally Posted by Ultralight View Post
1. if you have the budget, I would go custom. Built around your reel for balance and casting distance. Factory rods, no matter how good, are built on a general template.

2. For factory rods, I'd currently take Phenix Iron Feather. However, they are not that light really but do have a nice crisp response relative to other similar rods due to their titanium guides.

There're various claims about the quality of the blank. Bottom line - I am not impressed by claims but go on measured specs. I think the blanks are good but did not strike me as engineered to maximize performance out of the material as some of the material went to visual presentation.

3. You put titanium micro guides on the Loomis GLX on a custom and I believe it will outperform the Iron Feather in terms of power to weight ratio. It's a matter of physics.

So in summary:
1. Go custom.
2. If you can't or won't go custom, go Phenix Iron Feather. Be aware that there seem to be no warranty on it - meaning if it breaks for whatever reason, you pay $120 or something to replace it regardless of whether you abused it or due to manufacturing defect. I could be wrong on this but that's what I was told.


Thanks UL good info man!

Trout 1