How's it going FNN'ers? My name is Alex, I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I guess I'd be considered a lurker by many members, in actuality I'm more of an admirer, living vicariously through many of you and your fishing adventures. I've loved fishing for as long as I can remember. Many a time I remember fishing at lakes around the area with my dad, Piru, SARL, Irvine, even the old Irwindale lake. Since my dad passed away, coming up on 10 years or so now, I haven't been out fishing much, 2 maybe 3 times and nada in at least the last 6 years. So reading everyone's reports and seeing some awesome pics the last few years (on FNN and the fishing hot page) really helps me get that fisherman's fix. I definitely need to get out, dust off the gear, and get a line wet though, It's been WAAAY too long! I look forward to posting some reports, learning from, and fishing with you all. Thanks everyone.