well, today i started fishin with my gf at Embarcadero Marina Pier at around noon. it was kinda windy and i didnt see anyone else catch anything but i read that there were cudas showing up so i tossed out my croc and came up empty. so i tossed out some chovies'n'squid and started messing around with some lugs. i caught 3 sand bass and 1 calico withing 2 hours :D !... problem is all the sand bass were 2-3 inches long and the calico was 7 in.

we then hopped to the other side of the bay to ferry landing pier and thing were pretty slow, but i did manage to find this spottie

got hungry so we split and ended up on the west coast's longest concrete pier-ocean beach pier. the water was really rough so we ended up at the end of the peir. i brought a lobster half way up before he slipped off. was out for a while and the lobsters kept eating off my bait. only got 1 fish. i was wondering if anyone knows what it is.

yesterday i saw a 40 lb bat ray on OB pier. i was kinda bummed out cuz it was all bloddy and dieing and being gaffed and re-gaffed (is that even a word?) and the whole day i was at seaworld petting them like the were water dogs... but then i thought "eh". but i will say this, those are some really cute rays and fun fighters. also, the ppl at seaworld neeed to be trained more. i asked them what they fed these alligator gars and they didn't know and then said that a pacu looks like a cuda and this other one didnt know what fish were in the tank he was looking over except for the garibaldi because they were the only orange one. :shock:

anyways, heres the gar

and a scorpionfish

and that was my day :)

...still not 100% on how to post the pix, sorry