Just returned from an annual trip to fish Wishon and Courtright Res's. and not much has changed thru the decades of fishing I've done there. Wishon's water level is way low (lower than usual) but the fishing is still good in the usual spots using lures, bait, and flyfishing. Courtright Res is full to the brim. I fished from a boat, float tube, and from shore, it just depends on where you need to get your offerings to those hungry trout. Thomas Bouyants, KastMasters, and Needlefish for lures....nightcrawlers and live crickets for bait....and Zug Bugs, Chernobyl Ants (cricket imitation), Mosquito, Red Ant, Black Ghost, and Bead Head Prince Nymphs worked for me. Everyday caught from 15 to 28 trout, most were the smaller native rainbows, 4 to 7 14 to 16 inch rainbows, and only 2 brown trout for the 6 days of fishing....a 18 incher and the biggest fish of the trip was a 2 1/2 pounder. All within 6 or 7 hours of fishing everyday, since I had my wife and 2 pups with me, which needed my attention too. Overall, another very nice trip to the scenic Sierras. Oh yeah, sorry, no pics.