Hi Everyone, this is my first fishing report...Pat called me around 3:30pm letting me know that Adam aka 50/50 said that night fishing at Big Bear was good. So, we packed up our things and followed Adam up to BBL. We fished the North Shore about a minute past the dam. We fished nothing but rainbow powerbait and 2lb line. Enjoy pics!!!

This is me on my way up to BBL.

Pic of the Lake

We just arrived

Mr Bendo didn't even have his pole in the water a minute before "BENDO"
and off he went..lol..

The fish was taking a lot of line..

Pat thought he had a carp, but, it ended up being a big trout...

And here is his 5.3 pound trout

I'm enjoying my time with my man

Me and Pat...he's pointing at me because he calls me his lucky charm...lol

A special guest appearance Andre aka drestyle...came up to fish with us...

After the big fish, Pat didn't catch his next fish till about 10pm...And he started catching them again, on rainbow powerbait.

Another BBL holdover, right after the last one...Pat ended up keeping 4 fish. And lost a couple of bites, we packed it up around 11:30pm. This is my first trip out since my auto accident. We left a bit early because my back was starting to hurt. I didn't get to fish, but, that didn't matter because I got to watch my man catch his biggest BBL trout, and I enjoyed the beauty, taking the pictures and spending quality time with Pat. I enjoyed meeting Adam aka 50/50 and his friends who stayed longer catching fish. I'm looking forward to another trip up to BBL.