Finally got a chance to clear up my schedule and get back down to LA PAZ for some panga fishing!!have been going the last three years with -THE FISHERMENS FLEET-.these guys are great!!from the time you get off your flight and are waiting for you,till they drop you off at the airport for your departure.Everything is taken care of!!

My beer was going quickly!!Now i know why,this guy was thirsty!

We fished off of Punta Arenas,about a 30 minute drive from downtown La Paz..This is the actual road you take thru the desert mountains!

Once we got there the pangueros were already waiting for us,so we loaded up our panga and headed out!

I was told by some of the guys during the ride that the wahoo's were all over the place the day before, but no one had any luck,just snapped lines!So i decided i wanted to catch my first,and we trolled thru the sunrise for Wahoo!
We headed out quite a bit passing booies along the way!these are the only pics i got when we were a ways out.

On one trip we stopped at one of the booies and set up a sliced up bonita on a huge hook!this is what we found on the way back!

My good friend Billy was pullin out some huge fish!Check out this 60-70lb Dorado he brought in.

One day on the way back to our hotel we stopped at the salt beds near the beach,and picked up some sea salt for our cervezas!!

Finally,after a 25-30 minute fight i got my WAHOO!Those fish can fight

it was at 18-19kilos,so thats bout 40lbs!I'll take that!

Billy was on a rampage!!he has been fishing La Paz for over 20 years,and it shows..he fought this one for about 25 minutes.

But it paid off!A huge Amberjack,60-65lbs.

Everyday after we were done the guys with THE FISHERMENS FLEET cleaned up and sealed our fish fillets,ready for the freezer!

Final product!

this video did not want to load onto photobucket so i went thru youtube,check it out!my wahoo getting gutted!
I dont wanna start on how many fish i lost!!The pargos drove me crazy,they are very hard to get out of the rocks!!Am already planning the big payback on the pargo for August

My final count was 14 good size DORADOS kept!
1 Hammerhead shark!
3 Fat Bonita(bait)!
My first WAHOO!
And a cooler full of fish
When i get the rest of the pics from this trip i will post!
See you guys at the vine for night fishing!!- Primo55.