Well I think this day was march 27th 09'. Me and Mondo21 got up early to do some truck trout slaying!Well got to the lake to see a nice long line.Must have heard of a trout stocking.It seems like everyone is truck chasing now days.So I got close to the truck stocking area with the others to relax and drink my cofee and enjoy my world famous Irvine Lake breakfast burrito.

Set up my Rasberry Rod war qualifier with some Jimmy powerbait,and the other pole with some green powerbait! Waited about 30 mins for the first truck chasing trout of the day.

Mondo21 set up with some plastic's and the other with Hitts secret bait.
Got a few taps but I think it was nothing but bluegill. About 9:30 am the winds start kicking up.I thought it was time to go.Well I got up outta my seat to set up my rod holder a way that I seen 2Quik set up.So I set up mr poles to face the ground.Drag still set the same,when the drag should have been more loose.Now that I set up that way,my indicators are not swinging all over the place.I had my dog with me and was keeping her warm.I look over to my Rasberry rod as the bobber goes up slowly.I drop my dog in the chair and get up! There goes my pole in the waters!! White caps like it was the 0cean! I go after the pole and the pole jumps farther into the water! Now im knee deep.Another jump the rod goes and now im "Waist Deep" in the lake.I trip in fall on one knee and retrieve the pole! I go to set the hook to get this bastard and guess what? My dam reel breaks! Yeah its funny now,but at the time it wasnt!
I grab my reel out of the water and snap the line.I thought about trying to reel it in with my hands,but I thought about it.It wouldnt have worked!
Well.here's the water out of my shoes....

End of the day

Mondo21- 0

Hitts0n - 1

Enjoy !