I decided to hit the Lagoon tonight since the rains are coming tomorrow. I started just north of the fishing pier and worked my way north. About ten minutes in, I get hit but the fish spit the hook about half way in. I cast at the fish a couple of more times and then headed north again. About a half an hour later, I went back to the spot where the fish spit the hook and managed to hook up again. The fish came in at just over 2 pounds.

I was out there for a little under an hour and twice I heard a huge splash and turned in time to see a hawk coming up from the water with a trout. It was an impressive thing to see. I have no idea when they planted trout, but they obviously don’t know enough to get deep enough to stay out of the hawks reach.

It is going to be a wet week, so get out and fish when the sun breaks through.