Woke up this morning at 6:30 to meet up w/ my friend Sam and Bobby to hit up Guasti lake. Lines in water by 8am, fishing w/ PB. Not even 30 mins. buddy Sam's G Loomis starts bending. Quick hookset and the game is on!

While I was taking Bendo shots he tells me "This feels so good! "

As he was still feeling good i grabbed the net and landed the 5.5# fish.

We continue to fish and keep playing the wait game. Another 30 mins. later my other friend Andy's rod goes bendo! and lands a 2# trout. Sorry no picture of that one. Little as we knew at 9a.m was our last fish of the day. We waited. and waited. and waited. Got tired of waiting and packed our weapons up and left at 4. Slow day and Me and Bobby got the
On the good side, I did notice some of the community service workers at the park were cuties. .

Heres a picture of sam and his son from last weeks trip to Guasti and their fish

~Tight Lines Guys n Gals~