So I get pulled over on the way to work this morning. I'm thinking that maybe a tail light or brake light is out. He asks the usual," Do you know why I pulled you over?" I say no. He then says that he pulled me over because I was talking on my cell phone. Here's the cell phone was in my pocket the whole time. I wasn't on the phone at all. I argued with him and even showed him my call logs and text logs to prove to him that I wasn't using it. The a$$h0le then says that I'm just making up excuses because I don't want a ticket. Of course I don't want the ticket j@ck@$$!!! I didn't do what you're accusing me of!!! Well, the jerk writes up the ticket and starts to say that if I think this ticket is in error to go to court before such and such date. I didn't even let him finish the sentence before I grabbed the ticket and said," God damned right it's in error. I didn't do anything wrong." He then asks me if I've ever been arrested before. I ask him," Are you threatening to arrest me for arguing with you? I gave you my license, registration and proof of insurance like you asked. I wasn't aware my first ammendment rights weren't valid on the side of the road." Good day, sir he says as he walks away. %@$*&^*@ cops!!!