I just got back from a quick trip to the Vine and something happened that I didn't understand......didn't happen to me but I did see it happen so I'm hoping that someone can help me understand. It was a short day there for me and as I was cleaning up, a truck that was coming back from the flats stopped and said he was told by someone in a boat (patrol boat, I assume) that he couldn't shore fish from the Flats and only boats were allowed in the area. He was told if he didn't leave that the cops would be called and they would be arrested for trespassing. I told him that I shore fished the flats before and had never heard that and suggested he go to the front to clear it up....and that is exactly where he was going. 200 yards down the road his path was suddenly blocked by a Police SUV and they were being "detained". I tried to get a little info and told the cops that I had fished the flats before and was never told that the section was closed off (not to mention the road was open) but they were not interested in anything I had to say since I wasn't a party to the complaint so I left.

Now I don't know if this guy mouthed off to security to make them call the cops but calling the cops did seem a bit extreme but my real question and confusion is.........is Santiago Flats closed to shore fishermen now and if so, how are we supposed to know that as no information was provided when I bought my pass? This isn't a complaint but rather an open question because I do like to follow the rules but it's difficult if you don't know what they are. Not looking to point fingers at who was right or wrong but just looking to get the information needed to fish peacefully.