My dad said after church "lets go to Redondo pier" me not knowing a bit of saltwater info needed supplies so we went to sport authority to find some of those camo sandworms but i didnt find any so i got a bunch of Berkley. As we arrive i still wasnt sure if they allowed fishing so i felt unconfortable walking around with two 7 ft rods but then we came to the end of the pier and i was relieved to find a bunch of fishermen. We picked up some squid and i noticed many people catching ballyhoo. after a while of setting up rigs another boy says that on the other side theres better fishing. This boy kept annoying me dangit i know he was trying to be nice but dang just let me finish my rig. After moving to a differernt side i met a fisherman and a fisherwoman who were nice but cussed alot. They offered me some cut Ballyhoo as bait and told me what depth. After a while my dad mom sister started to get bored so they went to eat. My sis came back and decided to help by watching my rod as i went to wash my hands> when i came back she was reeling in my fish!!!!! And kept reeling as she brought it ti the eyelet. So at the end i caught nothing :(