How have you been? It's been a while since my last post.
I went fishing with Sansou this past weekend to San Quitin, Mexico.
If you've ever wondered what it's like to fish in Mexico that isn't Cabo or La Paz, you gotta read this post!!

So unlike my past posts, I'm going to let the pictures tell most of the story.
I met up with Sansou at his house to load my gear into his truck.
And we immediately left for the border.
But before we make the cross, we decided to exchange some US dollars for Pesos.

Here's the ride

So we cross through the border and drive 1D towards Ensenada.
This is the fence that divides the US and Mexico.

And we drive...

These are some tuna pens we saw along the way...we counted 36 of them!!
Makes you wanna pull up next to one and fish!!

No mistake on which country we're in...

So we drive for about 4 hours.
The whole way was completely safe (aside from the speedy Gonzales truck drivers making turns at an alarming fast speed...they really should slow down).

And finally signs that we're getting close.

Even closer....

Getting there...


Yes, lunch! Steamed clams and beer...how could you go wrong?

So after checking in, we decided to futz around the bay right behind the hotel.

We made a run to the market to pick up some ice and stuff.
I came across this pack and had to take a pic...

Didn't realize that tempura is also used in Mexico...make you wonder what else I don't know..

The room.

The board meeting room. That toilet is just as big as the ones used on the Spitfire!

Then after dinner, we decided to hit the bay again for some fun.

The next morning we woke up at 5:15am and headed to the launch area (35 secs away from the room!!)
Our boat for the day.

The forecast calls for sunny day with glass like conditions on the water...

Oh yeah!! She hauls!!

I don't think Sansou got a pic of me working my fishy. But it made me famous in the area!
It was a 25# WSB!! I landed it on my Avet SX with 20# and my "Deadly Dick" lure.
According to our pangadero, it was the first one to be seen in almost a month!

Then Sansou finally wakes up and kicks it into high gear..

We worked the area for about 2 hours until we decided it was time to hit the TUNA!
Unfortunately we never found the whole school, only a few.
I landed 2, farmed 2 and Rich landed 3, farmed 2.
We worked hard on them, but just as soon as we find them, they were gone!
Oh well.

Back at the landing...

The international method of comparison. The cig box.

Our catch for the day.

As you can see, we had a multi-speicies day.

2 x WSB
5 x YFT

At the cutting station.

At the hotel.

We ate a Los Jardines Hotel down the street.
It was really good. So good that by 8:30pm, I was asleep!! LOL!
We woke up at 5am again, only this time to get ready to leave.

Last good byes....

Everything seemed to be okay...

Until about an hour out...

It seems that a semi-truck and a bus collided. From the looks of things it was bad.

After taking a dirt road path that went around the accident, we were back on HWY 1 and head for home.

It seems that luck was on our side this trip.
On our way back, it rained, it poured in certain areas and the waves were choppy.

Getting close to home...

After a 2 hour wait in line at the border...

Just like everyone else, I read the stories about the highway robbery that's been going. I can actually say now, as long as it's during the day, there is no way anything could have a happened. There were checkpoints conducted by the military. And there weren't enough drunk drivers to worry about. All in all, it was a good safe and slight eventful day.

Thank you Don Eddie, Marita and staff for a great stay!
Thank you Pedro's Sportfishing and Pato the pangadero for putting us on the spot.
Thank you Sansou for driving.