Just had a weekend of camping and fishing at Sugarpine, outside of Foresthill, CA.
DFG had planted the week of May 7th, and the trout were crazy around sunset, jumping and hitting flies, but somehow I got skunked. No fish seemed to want what I was offering. But oh well. In the morning I was teaching my girlfriend how to fish (bad idea since i ain't catchin' anything.. i know...)
and I set her up with my good Berkeley pole and my Dad's old Mitchell reel that's about thirty years old but still works. Well wouldn't you know she's jabberin' away about gossip or whatnot and I point out that her rod tip is bent almost to the water and she should set the hook. She shrieks and starts haulin' it in, and I tell her to keep reeling... as an apparently NICE rainbow leaps out of the water fightin' and fussin'

Here are some pics of the first fish my girlfriend has ever caught: