Me and my brother went fishing in the surf today . Arrived at North Santa Monica at 6:30 right before peak of the high tide. My brother was catching perch here and there with the camo sand worm. I was throwing LC flashminnow . I caught a hog BSP on the LC 130 . My brother brought in a 19 1/2 HALIBUT . I didnt know how big it was so i was searching through my bag for the tape measure and from far away i knew the DFG officer was walking the beach. We took the measurement and took him a picture of his first halibut and then i was almost to the water to release it . the DFG officer said hold on and he said i pulled it out of my bag and saw him so i tried to put it back in the water and he said i tried to leave. I told him my brother just caught this and he said "no i saw u pull it out of ur bag". i like no i was looking for a tape measure in my bag he still wouldnt believe me . this went back and forth for about 4-5 times . Then he took my little brother aside and asked him what reallly happened and what he said matched what i have been saying. So now he believed me . If it was me alone i would have gotten a ticket. He kept saying im going to write u a ticket in the processes of telling what happened. That dame DFG f**** killed my day . We finished there at 11:30 and headed to malibu. We got there the tide was going down already . I managed a 16" on the LC before calling it a day at 1 pm

Me on the LC FLASHMINNOW 130
3 bsp
1 halibut 16"


1 halibut 19 1/2 "