Speak of the devils! Met a pair of cool Florida Game Wardens.
was hiking around in the bushes at my fave spot. Some wardens saw me come out the bushes into the trail. Waved.

“Don’t tell me. My new truck has been broken into!”

”What truck? There’s no vehicles in the lot”

I almost **** a brick, then I see the wardens begin to smile and we all start laughing.
They asked if I brought out any fish. (I obviously had a bait bucket with a lid and a full pack, waders and some rods, i was engaged in he act of fishing and there was no lying about it!)
I lifted the lid t my bucket and proudly proclaimed “no, Sirs! I’m a catch and release fisherman. We’re only engaged in the act of catching and using some bait to catch and release fishes on film”.
they smiled. I offered my latest 30” catch on my YouTube channel so they can see what I’ve been up to lately. Told them what bait fishes I was using, showed them my lures and exchanged infos. They were cool guys! They then checked my license after getting me to admit everything I did. (Standard officer-like procedures I’d Presume).

I exclaimed I was actually glad to see them out in the bush. I had just mentioned I hadn’t seen anyone out there in 20 trips out and felt like a loner. They laughed and sent me on my way after a few more exchanges. I hiked back out to find my new truck in good shape.

The wardens came back out four minutes later. The flagged me down and showed me a spot on their phone about fifteen miles down the road where the said people are bagging GIANT black drum and HUGE sea trout. They said they liked me, were happy I was all legal, releasing all my fish, and were confident in sharing their spot with me.

super cool dudes!

Moments before meeting the wardens I was hot on the spot sitting on all the fish, As per usual.
I had about six pieces of bait that I worked my *** off for, and I also landed an eight inch and a twelve inch mullet in the cast net. I released the 12” mullet because we could use more monster mullet and culled the 8”er for Cut bait. Hiked to my little current driven honey hole peninsula of heaven and no-see-ums and began to slay like five different species of fishes.

One of these species was new. I caught three of this species. One was rather large and uncommon for this species. It was suuuupwr cool. Not considered a game fish, but one of my all time favorite fishes t catch from back home. I was ecstatic to catch this fish and honored. I want one tattooed on my arm!
You will have to wait and see what it was when the video drops!
boom! Clickbait from hell! Bwahahaha

TO BEER CONTINUED... beeeeyox!