Quote Originally Posted by steelhead View Post
LOL, let's provide the context question to him was " are you concerned about covid and he responded, I'm not close to them....have you heard poochie, there was a freedom of assembly with all the BLM and I guess all the left wing quacks were okay with that since they didn't really speak out against the peaceful protests does that mean that they were okay with them dying of covid too?? Damn that's all you got? what a tool. Project much pooch??
Ok numb nuts, if he understands the importance of being a safe distance from individuals without masks, why doesn't he tell his sheep the same thing? Is this another example of "Do as I say, not as I do?"

But anyway, you never respond to anything and your feeble brain defaults to deflecting to BLM, so moving on....


This "Fake News" is a doozie.