Short story: 30+ lobsters all short :evil: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:
1 octi
1 sand bass

Long story:

Pick up bruce watson at 530p from his house and launched in dana point about 7pm. made are way out to the spot and set the hoops. BS'ed for a little bite and started pulling up short after short :thumbdown:. i need to practice pulling because bruce said i pulled like a girl :lmao: :rofl:. pulled about three sets of 9 and only managed about 3 shorts per net average. great weather, small swell made for a great nite minus the lobster. started heading in around 9pm because i had a long drive and had to work at 7am and ended up being late and went in around 11am.

thanks bruce for the tips and the boat lights!!! :thumb: