Late post
We shot our regular spot for the opener. Thank God the locals weren't out in large numbers. I love mid-week openers, it keeps the casual hunters away. I may fall into the casual hunter category but for the dove opener, I am diehard.
Weather wasn't too bad 105-ish. Had a slow but steady shoot in the early hours. Changed spots to our hang out / camping area. Had to walk the vineyards to get the birds moving. There were a decent number of birds but nothing to make them fly. Not until we walked and spooked up a few. Then a quick shot and that would scare up others.
Had mostly mourning dove. About 40% white wing and 3 Eurasian in the mix. The Eurasian that I dropped was squacking at me when I went to pick it up. It was pissed off and letting me know. Until I humanely dispatched him. Even after harvesting 100s, possibly 1000s of birds, a wounded bird still hurts me a little bit. I try to end it quickly.
I really like the 15 bird limit.
My nephew was showing me up for awhile. I did rally back and show him I still can shoot (a little bit). Time stands still for no man. Need to get more time at the range.
Overall, I good opener (Not great). Got reports from friends that shot the same area for 3 days and were getting a lot of shots.