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Thread: Schiff: 2/3 of America to Lose Everything Because of This Crisis

  1. #191


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    to me it's kinda like an old-school bait shop, you know, the ones that smelled like cigars and vulcanized rubber, with the crusty, old b@stards who hung around and busted balls all day. Any fisherman worth his salt either is, or can easily access, his inner grouch.
    I like that sentiment...

  2. #192
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    is it at all possible for someone to have a different opinion(s) than you and not be a radical left-wing communist muslim nazi?

    Just curious.
    Lol, but of course they can. Us delusional, stupid, uneducated, redneck, racist, pushing grandma off the cliff in a wheelchair, far right wing Libertarian fascists have no problem with that at all...

  3. #193


    Quote Originally Posted by HawgZWylde View Post
    Lol, but of course they can. Us delusional, stupid, uneducated, redneck, racist, pushing grandma off the cliff in a wheelchair, far right wing Libertarian fascists have no problem with that at all...
    Honesty and accuracy... How refreshing...

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DEVOREFLYER View Post
    Here’s the REAL DEAL. I am more libertarian than right wing as I scored 81 on this test:

    I do not care what Fred and Fritz choose to do behind closed doors nor do I care if someone chooses to flush a fetus down the sink. Both are choices they have to live with and if there is a God and I believe there is one, they will be judged it’s not for me to care. It is beyond stupid to vote for anyone based on social issues when the country has much more pressing issues that have a greater effect on our daily lives and our children and grandchildren’s future.

    What I do care about and care about with great passion is the wrong direction this country is going in and has been going in for a number of years. What a joke it is that a country of 350+ million puts up for the Presidency the worst choices possible and both parties are guilty of this.

    It’s a fact that if you taxed 100% of everyone’s wages and 100% of corporate profits you would not balance the long term deficit of the country and no one seems to care. The biggest bubble we have is the bubble we and the government have created. It’s not a question if the bubble will burst but when. When the US dollar no longer is the Reserve Currency its party over and Check Mate!

    I am old enough to remember the 1950’s very well. It was a time when the father was the provider and mom was the homemaker and a good one was priceless. There was always someone home when little Johnnie or Jane came home from school. Dinner was a family event where everyone sat at the dinner table together and Sunday was a day of worship and then a trip to the grandparents for a family dinner. Saturday was chores and cut the lawn early and then a trip to the park for a picnic and maybe fishing with dad, maybe a drive-in movie if we were good.

    I don’t ever recall being bored as a kid as there was always something to do, imagine that with no TV or video games or computers. Kids today don’t know how to entertain themselves, tell them to read a book you got to be kidding me.

    Back then every wife was a man’s right arm and supporter and raising a family was a family team effort and grandparent’s sage advice was always welcomed. When anyone fell upon hard times or illness neighbors, family and church came to their rescue and helped, not the government.

    No trouble or goofing off in school as a trip to the principal’s office often ended meeting up with Mr. Paddle, teachers and our elders were given respect or else. When kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up boys always said policeman, fireman or soldier, little girls answered with nurse or teacher. Public Education today in most all areas is an abject failure with high dropout rates and no end in sight to the monies being spent and asking for more with little in real results shown.

    Then things changed, Dr. Spock on child rearing and then luxuries became necessities. First the automatic washing machine and dryer replacing the old wringer washer and clothes line to dry the clothes. Then the TV to replace the radio that we sat in front of and listened to for entertainment or read a book. Then you just had to have a color TV and then a big screen. Then came the computer and electronic games and don’t forget the microwave oven.

    In the 60’s and 70’s came off road vehicles, motorcycles and RV’s all luxuries but you could finance them and get instant gratification now. But you had to pay for that easy credit and moms went to work to pay for the luxuries. Yes luxuries became necessities and let’s not forget about Air Jordan and sport jersey’s and jackets, Gucci and other stuff.

    Oh and don’t forget the drugs, free love, bra burning and Viet Nam protests and the beginning of a culture of low expectations.

    We have become soft, selfish, greedy and lazy today. No one can fail, everyone gets a participation trophy, and everyone today feels they are owed something just for being on this earth.

    Failing and disappointment builds character and success rewards hard work. Failure is a bad word today and we don’t want to disappoint anyone. Hard work is not a virtue but an EBT card and 0bama phone is a prize to seek out.

    How can anyone today have any trust in the Government today with Fast & Furious, IRS scandal, Benghazi and the NSA.
    Did we forget about the Japanese internment camps like Manzanar and all of the Native American tribes forced off their lands and onto reservations in Oklahoma in the 1800’s, yes our government and its leaders of the time did that. I am of Native American heritage and will never ever let happen to me what happened to my ancestors.

    Yesterdays Haight Ashbury and Berkley hippies are today’s political leaders with Rainbow and Unicorn dreams and socialist leanings.

    It’s not personal as I don’t know you personally but I know your leanings and I strongly don’t agree with them as I am sure you gathered and you don’t agree with mine.
    I have become jaded and tired of the references to anyone that disagrees with the left as being racist, mouth breathing, redneck, capitalist pig, Uncle Tom, sexist, Bible and bitter gun clingers and the list goes on and on.

    Alinski tactics at its finest from the extreme left and this sleeping Bear has awakened from hibernation and is angry and hungry.

    I grieve for where this once great country has been and fear for its future.
    YOU hit the nail on the head! I was born in 76, my father in 33, I grew up with one of those old fashion cloth ringers, line dried cloths ( towels as stiff as board), and mowing lawns as a kid to make money. There always was a distinct difference between my parents, and parents of my friends. It had to be the times they grew up in, where one's word meant something and being called a liar, was worth fighting over. Character was something you developed, not drawn on paper as a cartoon, men were manly, and woman were womanly. Now with skin tight jeans, you can't tell the difference until you are face to face, and sometimes it's still hard to ascertain.
    Like you stated, the fall came with taxation and leaving the gold standard. Pops still has some nuggets he hid away and didn't turn in. I work in the "green industry" and deal with so many hypocrites. Always talking about green this and green that, then drive a $200,000 sports car that gets 12mpg, while thinking the solar panels on their roof is saving the Amazon rain forest.. I am disappointed with my generation, there is very little work ethic and handouts are the norm. My carpool buddy, ( yes there are conservatives who care about the planet/price of gas, to me it's basic economics) has in my opinion a very liberal point of view, but is so apathetic to the process it leads to some entertaining discussions. From what I can gather there seems to be two points of view on what governments job is.

    1: Liberal Point of View. Deficits are not a bad thing, the government does not operate like a business, therefore it does not need to budget and spend like a business, but can accrue debt unendingly. Social programs are a must. The government is responsible for the welfare of the people. Welfare means everything, food, clothing, medicine, healthcare, TV, cable, car, affordable housing etc. Therefore it is necessary for the government to interject itself into the everyday operations of a citizen/resident for their own benefit. A resident, being legally here or illegally has the same rights as a registered citizen. Meaning it's the governments job to look after them with the same goals as they would it's legal residents. The money you earn, is not necessary yours, but the governments because they spend in more efficiently and in the correct places.

    2: Conservative Point of View: Let natural economics supply/demand guide the marketplace with little government intervention. If a business goes bust, well it must not have been operating effectively and efficiently. If you smoke or screw hookers, well you pay costs, live with the itch, or pay the doctor to get rid of it. The doctor's did not go to school for 12 plus years, because they felt like giving up their valuable time to not gain a financial benefit. When you pull a second or third on your house knowing the market is a bubble and the house you bought 3 years ago for $300k now has an "appraised" value of $800k, you go on vacations, spend it on expensive cars and BS memories to occupy wall street. You then get booted out of your home for failure to pay and whine that you got ripped off by the banks for shady contracts etc, well knowing you can't afford to make payments on a $800k home. Republicans are not conservatives ( at least the batch that is power now), they spend like liberals and pass the buck off to the next generation. YOU PAY for your actions or inactions and don't blame it on someone else.

    It's nice to know there is a vibrant debate on politics, with both sides getting air time on here. Maybe to some it up, I look at it like this. Conservatives are willing and able to spend their own money on their hearts needs and desires, liberals on the other hand in my opinion (my intention is not to sling mud) have no problem spending other peoples money on what they think is best for the nation. I personally believe I have the ability to make sound choices and decisions ,without the government telling me what I can and cannot do.


    I live in your stomping grounds and it's refreshing to know that there is a sound mind in the area and your opinions and vote are very much appreciated.

    Has anybody with the leanings of a liberal completed research on the latest MLPA that was implemented (or prior new regulations on fishing and hunting). You might be amazed or happy that these new rules and regulations come from the left wing camps. These are the same "scientists" who state with the backing of the Fish and Wildlife that White Sea Bass do not exists around Morro Bay even though 40 and 60 pounders are caught year after year. The same folks who implemented the "no sewage run off" into the ocean, while possessing the only issued permit.(Monterey Bay Aquarium). The same folks who killed the most productive fishing grounds in southern CA, while herding the massive fishing population in tighter zones, creating hazards and overcrowding issues. It's the same people who cry against urban sprawl, while creating laws mandating dense housing populations while setting aside millions of acres for desert tortoise and kangaroo rats. We and our children pay the price.............when will you open your heart to the truth, not what you want to believe, but the truth in it's righteous self. Character counts for everything.......why do you vote for people with no character?

    Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.
    Mahatma Gandhi

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    the danger zone


    Quote Originally Posted by Lipripper93561 View Post
    I was born in 76, my father in 33, I grew up with one of those old fashion cloth ringers...

  6. #196
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by City Dad View Post
    1976.......people from the great depression era tend to hang onto things ( my father). We used to see who could get their arm through the ringer the farthest as a kid. Probably not the safest thing to do. My dad loves telling stories from the past, both good and bad.

  7. #197


    Quote Originally Posted by Lipripper93561 View Post
    YOU hit the nail on the head! I was born in 76, my father in 33, I grew up with one of those old fashion cloth ringers, line dried cloths ( towels as stiff as board), and mowing lawns as a kid to make money. There always was a distinct difference between my parents, and parents of my friends. It had to be the times they grew up in, where one's word meant something and being called a liar, was worth fighting over. Character was something you developed, not drawn on paper as a cartoon, men were manly, and woman were womanly. Now with skin tight jeans, you can't tell the difference until you are face to face, and sometimes it's still hard to ascertain.
    Like you stated, the fall came with taxation and leaving the gold standard. Pops still has some nuggets he hid away and didn't turn in. I work in the "green industry" and deal with so many hypocrites. Always talking about green this and green that, then drive a $200,000 sports car that gets 12mpg, while thinking the solar panels on their roof is saving the Amazon rain forest.. I am disappointed with my generation, there is very little work ethic and handouts are the norm. My carpool buddy, ( yes there are conservatives who care about the planet/price of gas, to me it's basic economics) has in my opinion a very liberal point of view, but is so apathetic to the process it leads to some entertaining discussions. From what I can gather there seems to be two points of view on what governments job is.

    1: Liberal Point of View. Deficits are not a bad thing, the government does not operate like a business, therefore it does not need to budget and spend like a business, but can accrue debt unendingly. Social programs are a must. The government is responsible for the welfare of the people. Welfare means everything, food, clothing, medicine, healthcare, TV, cable, car, affordable housing etc. Therefore it is necessary for the government to interject itself into the everyday operations of a citizen/resident for their own benefit. A resident, being legally here or illegally has the same rights as a registered citizen. Meaning it's the governments job to look after them with the same goals as they would it's legal residents. The money you earn, is not necessary yours, but the governments because they spend in more efficiently and in the correct places.

    2: Conservative Point of View: Let natural economics supply/demand guide the marketplace with little government intervention. If a business goes bust, well it must not have been operating effectively and efficiently. If you smoke or screw hookers, well you pay costs, live with the itch, or pay the doctor to get rid of it. The doctor's did not go to school for 12 plus years, because they felt like giving up their valuable time to not gain a financial benefit. When you pull a second or third on your house knowing the market is a bubble and the house you bought 3 years ago for $300k now has an "appraised" value of $800k, you go on vacations, spend it on expensive cars and BS memories to occupy wall street. You then get booted out of your home for failure to pay and whine that you got ripped off by the banks for shady contracts etc, well knowing you can't afford to make payments on a $800k home. Republicans are not conservatives ( at least the batch that is power now), they spend like liberals and pass the buck off to the next generation. YOU PAY for your actions or inactions and don't blame it on someone else.

    It's nice to know there is a vibrant debate on politics, with both sides getting air time on here. Maybe to some it up, I look at it like this. Conservatives are willing and able to spend their own money on their hearts needs and desires, liberals on the other hand in my opinion (my intention is not to sling mud) have no problem spending other peoples money on what they think is best for the nation. I personally believe I have the ability to make sound choices and decisions ,without the government telling me what I can and cannot do.


    I live in your stomping grounds and it's refreshing to know that there is a sound mind in the area and your opinions and vote are very much appreciated.

    Has anybody with the leanings of a liberal completed research on the latest MLPA that was implemented (or prior new regulations on fishing and hunting). You might be amazed or happy that these new rules and regulations come from the left wing camps. These are the same "scientists" who state with the backing of the Fish and Wildlife that White Sea Bass do not exists around Morro Bay even though 40 and 60 pounders are caught year after year. The same folks who implemented the "no sewage run off" into the ocean, while possessing the only issued permit.(Monterey Bay Aquarium). The same folks who killed the most productive fishing grounds in southern CA, while herding the massive fishing population in tighter zones, creating hazards and overcrowding issues. It's the same people who cry against urban sprawl, while creating laws mandating dense housing populations while setting aside millions of acres for desert tortoise and kangaroo rats. We and our children pay the price.............when will you open your heart to the truth, not what you want to believe, but the truth in it's righteous self. Character counts for everything.......why do you vote for people with no character?

    Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Hi Lipripper93561,

    Nice of you to join in the discussion. I might not agree with your politics, but your participation is most welcome. A debate is not a debate unless there is two sides. I think the Conservatives could use a good number 5 hitter, HawgWylde is starting to look a little tired!!! lol

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Devore Heights, CA


    Nice post lipripper now prepare to be ripped the elite lefty's. They have nothing to say but sound bites and cute remarks. No answers or solutions but lots of casting stones about real issues that need solutions. Everything is Rainbows and Unicorn's to them. But that's not news is it, and to quote a well know lib "What difference does it make".

  9. #199
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    the danger zone


    Quote Originally Posted by Lipripper93561 View Post
    1976.......people from the great depression era tend to hang onto things ( my father). We used to see who could get their arm through the ringer the farthest as a kid. Probably not the safest thing to do. My dad loves telling stories from the past, both good and bad.
    heck, you're younger than me... I thought I was the youngest guy on this thread! My grandaddy had a junk yard behind his house - even had an old, broken down grader that just sat there rusting. all the kids had fun playing on that thing. He had a collection of coffee cans filled with used spark plugs. never could figure out what he was planning on doing with them. gonna miss that generation

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    the danger zone


    Quote Originally Posted by DEVOREFLYER View Post quote a well know lib "What difference does it make".
    Woody Allen?

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