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Thread: Schiff: 2/3 of America to Lose Everything Because of This Crisis

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rat Beach

    Default Schiff: 2/3 of America to Lose Everything Because of This Crisis

    Not a big Peter Schiff fan. Same guy telling everyone to buy gold when it was $1500 - $1900 BUT he has been correct in the past. Dude is a real Doom and Gloomer !
    The Obama clan just keeps adding more debt. Coming up on 6 years of failures and broken promises, LIAR !

    If this Schiff dude is correct then hang on.

    A record breaking stock market is distorting a frightening reality: The U.S. is being eaten alive by a horrific cancer that will ultimately destroy the economy and impoverish the vast majority of its citizens.

    That's according to Peter Schiff, the best-selling author and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, who delivered his harsh warning to investors in a recent interview on Fox Business.

    "I think we are heading for a worse economic crisis than we had in 2007," Schiff said. "You're going to have a collapse in the dollar...a huge spike in interest rates... and our whole economy, which is built on the foundation of cheap money, is going to topple when you pull the rug out from under it."

    Schiff says that, despite "phony" signs of an economic recovery, the cancer destroying America stems from a lethal concoction of our $16 trillion federal debt and the Fed's never ending money printing.

    Currently, Bernanke and company is buying $1 trillion of Treasury and mortgage bonds a year. That's about $85 billion per month against a budget deficit that is about the same level.

    According to Schiff, these numbers are unsustainable. And the Fed has no credible "exit strategy."

    Eventually interest rates will rise... and when they do, Schiff says, stocks will tank and bonds dip to nothing. Massive new tax hikes will be imposed and programs and entitlements will be cut to the bone.

    "The crisis is imminent," Schiff said. "I don't think Obama is going to finish his second term without the bottom dropping out. And stock market investors are oblivious to the problems."

    "We're broke, Schiff added. "We owe trillions. Look at our budget deficit; look at the debt to GDP ratio, the unfunded liabilities. If we were in the Eurozone, they would kick us out."

    Schiff points out that the market gains experienced recently, with the Dow first topping 14,000 on its way to setting record highs, are giving investors a false sense of security.

    "It's not that the stock market is gaining value... it's that our money is losing value. And so if you have a debased currency... a devalued currency, the price of everything goes up. Stocks are no exception," he said.

    "The Fed knows that the U.S. economy is not recovering," he noted. "It simply is being kept from collapse by artificially low interest rates and quantitative easing. As that support goes, the economy will implode."

    Should American seniors who've been paying taxes their whole lives bear the price of Washington's folly? See the shocking facts by clicking on the video.

    A noted economist, Schiff has been a fierce critic of the Fed and its policies for years. And his warnings have proven to be prophetic.

    In August 2006, when the Dow was hitting new highs nearly every day, Schiff said in an interview: "The United States is like the Titanic, and I'm here with the lifeboat trying to get people to leave the ship... I see a real financial crisis coming for the United States."

    Just over a year later, the meltdown that became the Great Recession began, just as Schiff predicted.

    He also predicted the subprime mortgage bubble burst, nearly a year before the real estate market fully crashed.

    His recent warnings, however, have been even more alarming. Will they also prove to be true?

    In his most recent book, "The Real Crash" How to Save Yourself and Your Country", Schiff writes that
    when the "real crash" comes," it will be worse than the Great Depression.

    Unemployment will skyrocket, credit will dry up, and worse, the dollar will collapse completely, "wiping out all savings and sending consumer prices into the stratosphere."

    Get a copy of Peter Schiff's new book here, courtesy of Money Morning. Limited copies available. Click here to get yours.

    Schiff estimates this "cancer" could consume a trillion dollars from consumers this year.

    "Today we're the world's greatest debtor nation. Companies, homeowners and banks are so highly leveraged, rising interest rates will be devastating."

    According to polls, the average American is indeed sensing danger. A recent survey found that 61% of Americans believe a catastrophe is looming - yet only 15% feel prepared for such a deeply troubling event.

    Is Devastation The Ultimate Cure?

    Despite its bleak outlook, Schiff's book has become a real wake-up call for millions of readers.

    While Schiff's predictions can be grim, he also offers step-by-step solutions that average Americans can follow to protect their wealth, investments and savings.

    According to Schiff, "the crash and what follows" can be beneficial. But only for those who understand beforehand what is happening and have time to prepare for the devastation.

    "All we can do now is prepare for the crash," Schiff said. "If we brace ourselves properly and control the impact, we will survive it."


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rat Beach


    If they cut entitlements (free money) then what abut Surfer Jason?
    If anyone missed this recent interview it is a classic.
    So Cal Surfer buys Lobster and Sushi with his food stamps.

    FREE MONEY !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Hooked Up At The Duct


    Yes the charade will end in a big bang. I'm glad I'm not leveraged and have no debt.

  4. #4


  5. #5
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    Nov 2009
    Rat Beach


    Yo DS, did you see surfer dude vid? Classic. Just one of millions milking the system.

    The big reason was the Dems that eased the lending/borrowing for real estate in the early Bush Jr years. Then the Bush W years when everybody was making money came. 2008 crash followed by 4 years of Obamas borrowing and spending. Obama should have made big cuts but then he wouldn't have been re-elected.

    You can't blame the Middle East wars because they were just a little part of it.
    Iraq was was less than a Trillion $.

    The US government spends more than what it receives in revenue. In 2012, the US federal government expects to receive $2.5 trillion in revenue, while the total spending carried out by the federal government is $3.8 trillion. The difference ($1.3 trillion) is debt piled onto of the previous debt. To put $1.3 trillion into context, it is approximately $3,56 billion a day. To make matters worse, the current debt does not take into consideration federal obligations such as social security, Medicare, pension, and retiree health promises.
    Thanks Obama! The rest of you all better start stocking up on provisions and bullets.

    I think Cutbait summed up 'The Real Cause of the recession with Barney Frank and buddies around 2003 ?
    I'd like to find that post?

    Obama didn't cause it. He just made it 100 times worse.
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkShadow View Post

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Yo' couch!


    Aww DR, gotta love your misleading visual aids. So let's take a look at some modern era stats and get a clearer picture of our ever-rising debt.

    President Barack Obama: First Term = $5.073 trillion
    President George W. Bush: Total = $3.294
    President Bill Clinton: Total = $63 billion surplus
    President George H.W. Bush: Total = $1.03 trillion
    President Ronald Reagan: Total = $1.412 trillion

    Oh, and about that $5.073 trillion debt during Obama's term? $1.6 trillion of that can be attributed to your treasured Bush Era Tax Cuts. So in a sense, you're right - Obama should have axed the EGTRRA and JGTRRA.

    97–98 1981–1985 Reagan +11.3%
    99–100 1985–1989 Reagan +9.3%
    101–102 1989–1993 Bush Sr. +13.0%
    103–104 1993–1997 Clinton -0.7%
    105–106 1997–2001 Clinton -9.0%
    107–108 2001–2005 Bush +7.1%
    109–110 2005–2009 Bush +20.7%
    111–112 2009–2013 Obama +18.5%

    Oh gee, our debt rate increased percentage-wise during GWB's Administration - and that was just his second term alone?

    Last edited by Lady Quagga; 08-13-2013 at 12:26 PM.

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