Quote Originally Posted by P.A.W. View Post
Hmmmmm how do I characterize today? Well, not too bad. How's that? Went straight to the east end by ramp #2 and dropped a trolling rig. Got a fish within 2 minutes or so about midway into the area. Then I figured "they're here" so I started casting around the area near the tulies an threw a topwater in the open water. Nada. Down goes the u-rig and off we go. Another one on as I got to the main lake area. Hmmmm.
Today the water was high, pretty darn high. I didn't see any boils and the birds that were there Monday were gone this morning. It was a grind. I farmed more fish today than I have for a loong time. Found the most consistant bite along the north shore between ramp 1 and the inlet. Wound up with 5 landed and farmed around 6 or 7. As I hit the Marina around noon I saw a group of boats all over the far east end shallows. I didn't go to investigate but I bet the afternoon bite was taking shape there.

For the LMB guys, I talked with some fishermen here and there who were getting them on plastics, both weightless and dropshot.

I was there on Saturday also. headed straight to the Ramp 2 tulle area. watched guy land one right away and then i saw nothing the rest of the day. NO BOILS NO NOTHING.
headed over to east end and saw a bunch of boats also and only saw one guy out in the middle catch a LMB. Very slow for me( then again i suck at that darn lake)
I have lots of time on the water there and just can't seem to get it. Maybe the pontoon rental has some to do with it!!!!