Screening and inspection of vessels instituted for the 2011 boating season to prevent invasive mussels at Nacimiento and San Antonio reservoirs

Visitors to Nacimiento and San Antonio reservoirs must pass an inspection and screening of their watercraft and trailers as officials strive to prevent invasion of Quagga and Zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species into local waters.
Vessel screenings and inspections will continue as both Monterey and San Luis Obispo try to keep the reservoirs free of invasive species. Rangers, inspection-trained park and resort staff and private community volunteers will be especially watching for visitors whose boats have been to or are registered in Southern California, Arizona, Nevada and other states, which have water bodies infested with these Eurasian mussels.
Public ramps at Nacimiento and San Antonio reservoirs will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, a reduction of the previous 24-hour access.

Thank you for observing Clean, Drain, Dry precautions so we "Don't Move a Mussel"

Please visit the “DON’T MOVE A MUSSEL” link at, or